From Anna

Acting Principal

Uniform and Hair

Last week, I reminded students of the school dress code at assembly. All students with long hair should have it tied back at school. This is to prevent the spread of head lice. We’ve sent the little critters packing for now, so if parents could please make sure their children have long hair tied up for school, we would appreciate your support. 


Students should also be wearing plain black pants or skirt (not leggings) and a red top, with a black or red jacket. Clothing worn to school shouldn’t have any other branding on it. We appreciate parents making sure their children are wearing the correct uniform to school. 


If you have any struggles finding the correct clothing at the shops, please contact the office and we might be able to help with second-hand uniforms. 

Foundation 100 Days

This Friday 11th August marks our Foundation students’ 100th day at school! We couldn’t be more proud of how much they have learned this year! We look forward to celebrating with them on Friday, although rumour has it there will be some 100-year-old students attending school in their place on Friday. 

Congratulations, Foundies!

Parent/Carer/Guardian Survey

We want to know what you think we are doing well, and what you think we could improve. Please see the email sent out on Thursday, detailing the survey and how to access it. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.

Tree Planting

To replace trees that were removed as part of our Safe Tree Audit at the start of the year, there have been approximately 20 native trees planted around the school grounds. We look forward to seeing these trees grow, provide shade and serve as food and habitats for our local birds and wildlife over coming years. 

Thank you to parent Richard Henry for sourcing and planting these trees. 

Kinder Visits

On Friday, our local Kinder kids from Kilsyth Early Learning Centre came to visit. They played a range of games in the hall with our Year 4 students, and thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with the ‘big kids’. Kilsyth ELC has been visiting regularly and making use of our playgrounds and Frog Bog. We just love seeing them in our school grounds, and always say hello when we see their trail of hi-vis yellow vests walking past!

School-Wide Positive Behaviour Celebration Tree

Our tree is nearly full of birds, so we are sure to see a Celebration day over the next week or so! We are so very proud of the 29,650 feathers that our student have earned for displaying behaviours of Excellence, Resilience and Respect this term. I wonder what students will choose for a Celebration Day this time? 

Trivia Night

Our KPS Trivia Night is fast-approaching - Saturday 19th August. If you haven’t booked your table yet, please do! The teacher table are hoping to improve their outcome from last year, and claim victory over the parents!


If you have any donations to be used for silent auctions, please bring them to the office as soon as possible, so they can be packaged up and won in a bidding frenzy on the night!


Our Playgroup will be starting at 9.15am on Monday morning, so please come along with any of your pre-school-aged children, to enjoy some time with other parents and their kids, completing fun activities!


Thanks to KPS mum Tash for organising the Playgroup. We can’t wait to see what fun you all get up to!