Year F &1

This week we have read the story 'Sail Away' by Mem Fox.  While reading the book we spoke about how some of the words rhyme at the end of sentences. When reading the book everyday this week the students have been able to identify and say the rhyming words without being asked. The Kangaroo and Koala group have worked hard on creating a 'guess who' game where they drew the characters on the top and some words to describe them underneath the flip. It has been great to see the students thinking of some great descriptive words to describe their characters. 


In writing we have been having a look at poetry. We have explored acrostic poems and this week we had to use an acrostic poem and create a sentence which related to the book. It was a new challenge and it was great to see the students thinking about it and really taking their time. We had a look at some alliterations and how when writing the sentence you have to use the initial sound. We come up with some great and random sentences and they loved the play on words. 

Skip felt ill, Kangaroo was brave, Ill Skip nearly fell over board, Platypus was getting some snacks for the crew
Skip felt ill, Kangaroo was brave, Ill Skip nearly fell over board, Platypus was getting some snacks for the crew

Alliteration work:

Archie -Cats grabbing cats 

Goats grabbing goats 


Billie – Cat catching crab

Goats grabbing goat

Bee being behind 


Sybil – Cats cooking carrots

Goats going glum 

Mats had a map

Sybil sells seashells by the sea shore 


Evie – Cats catch crabs 

Goats going goats


Will – Cats cooking carrots 

Goats giggling gog 

Bob bobbing black 


During maths we created friends of ten rainbows to show '0+10=10 and 4+6=10'. The Possum group learnt a new game this week where they rolled a dice and they have to get that many animals to place in a net, they rolled it again and put another group of animals down. They had to then count how many they had altogether and write the total down. The students loved playing the game with the animals. The Emu group have been working on building their confidence with doubles and adding 1. They worked really hard this week and have done a fantastic job.