In our Garden

Welcome back to gardening!  


Volunteers Wanted!!

Can you spare a couple of hours a week? We are looking for volunteers to help look after our beautiful garden.  We are looking for people to work Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, in either the morning or afternoon during school time.  If you know someone who would like some experience in our food garden or would like to help out yourself and you have a working with children check, please email Sara with days and times you would like join in. 



What we've been doing

This week we got busy harvesting our spring greens which are already flowering and getting ready to seed.  FQ had fun harvesting kale leaves and tops and FL worked together to harvest some of our fennel. 


We have also tagged the plants we want to keep for seed so we can grow more, so keep your eyes open for yellow tape on tall plants.  It means leave them growing!


Grade 6 had a blitz along the Old Violet street frontage, tackling the Cleavers (Sticky Weed) that has been enjoying the warm wet conditions.  Maddy gathered quite a bundle!










Abby and friends discovered a very colourful and scary looking caterpillar. It is a painted cup moth larvae which can give you a nasty sting.  All those spikes and colours are saying "leave me alone!!"


















This larvae produces a very plain brown moth - a surprise given how colourful the caterpillar is.


We also found a beautiful skink which moved like a tiny snake, see if you can see its very tiny legs.


Have a great week and Happy Gardening!
