Student Well-being 

The Year Prep Community

Respectful Relationships: Positive Coping


This week, the Year Preps have been discussing how sometimes we can tell how people are feeling by looking at their body language. We talked about how it is important that before we approach someone, we need to look at their body language and think about how they might be feeling. It was great to hear the Year Preps have conversations about how they might need to adjust their behaviour according to how the other person is feeling. 


As a group, we came up with three different poses that represent the emotions happy, excited and sad. I wonder if you can figure out which one is which by looking at our faces and our body language!


Optimistic October - Action for Happiness

I know we are half way through October but I think the message is still important!


Action for Happiness is a movement of people who are taking action to create a happier and kinder world, together.

Their Mission:

The mission of Action for Happiness is to promote a happier world, through a culture that prioritises happiness and kindness.


We do this by helping people get together regularly (face-to-face where possible) to learn evidence-based skills for happier living, feel a sense of belonging and commit to personal action to create more happiness, both for themselves and others.


 Members of the movement make a simple pledge: to try to create more happiness in the world. 


In the month of October, Action for Happiness is encouraging people to take small actions that will help put a positive step in their day.


You could always go back to this to remind yourself of small actions that help you to be happier and kinder, together.


You can find the Optimistic October Calendar below:


You can read more about the Action for Happiness movement here:


Lauren Borg

e-Learning/Student Well-being Leader