

In Reading, students will be learning to:


-Explore Fiction texts and features

-Infer and talk about characters' feelings (Inferring)

-Listen to a story and make a picture in your mind (Visualising)

-Share opinions about their favourite books and authors

-Read a Just Right book smoothly by beginning to notice end punctuation

-Know and practise their goal with support

-Begin to use multiple sources of information (meaning, language structure and visual information) to monitor and self-correct understanding





In Writing, students will be learning to:


-Make fiction ‘stories’ books filled with characters, problems and solutions  that will be added to our classroom library. 

-Understand that other authors can give us ideas

-Spend an extended amount of time writing authentic texts on a daily basis and where possible, practise their goal as discussed during conferencing

-Re-read to add more information and make basic changes to improve the quality of their writing, including experimentation with capital letters and full stops

-Understand that publishing is the sharing of a piece of writing we are proud of with an audience





This term, we will continue on with the Sounds-Write program, which is a phonics approach to the teaching of Reading and Writing. We will be teaching students that sounds can be represented by one or two letters. In addition to the sounds taught last term, this term we will introduce  /x/, /y/, /ff/, /ll/, /ss/, /zz/, /sh/, /ch/ /th/, /ck/, /wh/, /ng/, <q>, <u>. We will be building, spelling and reading words using these sounds. 

If you would like to learn more about the Sounds Right program, please click on this link


We will also continue to learn high frequency words,these are the words that will appear most in their 'Just Right' books. You can continue to support your child learn their High Frequency words by practising the words in their diary and finding them in their Just Right books.