Scotsburn News 

Important Dates

2023 Prep Transition MorningWednesday 19th and 26th October


Prep - 2 Sleep Over


Thursday 20th - Friday 21st October


Artlink Excursion - Whole Campus


Tuesday 25th October

SC3 Sovereign Hill Thursday 27th and Friday 28th October
Student Free Day - Melbourne CupTuesday 1st November
Japanese DayFriday 4th November
Scotsburn Swimming Lessons14th - 18th November
Energy Breakthrough17th - 18th November
Student Free DayMonday 21st November
Scotsburn End of Year Pool DayWednesday 14th December
Scotsburn Christmas Concert and PicnicFriday 16th December
Grade 6 GraduationMonday 19th December
Last Day of Term 4Tuesday 20th December

Grade 5/6 Halls Gap Camp

Last Wednesday SC3 joined the Buninyong BER 5/6 students on the Halls Gap camp. The focus of the camp was based around teamwork, initiative and team building skills. The threat of extreme wet weather did nothing to dampen the spirits of the students and it was fantastic to provide this experience after two years of no camps. Even though changes needed to be made to activities due to the rain, it was wonderful to see how well all students in SC3 interacted with others, pushing themselves outside of their comfort zones and taking on new challenges. What a brilliant experience. I am sure everyone slept well on Friday night!

Next week we will have some student camp reflections to share in the newsletter.

Prep - 2 Sleep Over

The Prep - 2 Sleepover will be taking place this Thursday. Permission forms were due yesterday however if you are yet to complete the forms, please complete ASAP. 

Children will go home on Thursday at the end of the school day and are welcome to return to school Thursday evening at 5:30pm for the commencement of the sleepover. At 5:30pm students will need  to set up their sleeping arrangements and we will then  enjoy a BBQ tea and participate in lots of fun activities. The next day, students will engage in a normal school day with some additional activities to complement the sleepover. Students will be provided with breakfast, fruit snack, recess snacks and lunch. Please feel free to include additional snacks for the Friday if you wish. The sleep over will conclude at the end of the school day on Friday. 

Students will need:

- Mattress/Swag etc. 

- Sleeping bag and Pillow

- Torch (optional)

- Pyjamas

- Spare clothing for the next day (these can be casual) 

- Suitable footwear

- Toiletries (toothbrush etc.)

- Teddy / Soft toy (for cuddling purposes!)

Please see Ana if you have any questions. 


Prep - 2 Sports Day

Students had a wonderful day last Tuesday at the Buninyong campus for our annual Prep - 2 Sports day. There were lots of smiles and cheers as everyone participated in a range of sports rotations throughout the morning. A big thank you to Miss Morris and the students at SEDA who made the experience so enjoyable.


A reminder that term four is a mandatory hat term. Children not wearing hats in the yard, will need to sit in the shade.                                                               


Transition Mornings


2023 Preps have started participating in transition mornings. This is an exciting time for children to begin to transition to school in a supporting and successful manner. We currently have 7 Prep enrolments at the Scotsburn campus. 


Date: Wednesday - 19th and 26th between 9:15am and 11:00am

SC1 Learning Snapshot

SC1 had a very busy and fun Week 2 with Sports Day,  Transition Morning, and our visit from the Buninyong CFA on Friday. Students loved the CFA experience with lots of information shared by our visitors around fire safety, CFA equipment, CFA tankers and how we can respond in a safe and calm manner if we ever encounter a fire or a firefighter trying to assist us. A big thank you to Buninyong-Mt Helen CFA for their time. We followed up the session with who we ring in an emergency and what information we need to give to an ESTA operator to assist in an emergency. It is really important for students to learn their address. This would be a great opportunity for families to discuss this at home and for students to learn their address. 


In Writing, we are beginning to explore narratives again. This week we will start drafting a story based around our integrated topic (Community). In Reading, we will continue to learn about reading strategies and comprehension. A big focus has been around manipulating words and sounds. 


In Maths we are learning about Measurement and Capacity. Last we looked at informal and formal measurement. Students measured their hands and feet as well as objects around the room. 


This week, we have a vist on Tuesday by the Ambulance education vehicle as well as Suzie (Wil’s Mum) who is a paramedic. Wednesday we have transition morning and Thursday and Friday we have our Prep - 2 Sleepover. 



SC2 Learning Snapshot

This week in SC2 students explored procedural texts and applied their knowledge and skills whilst making wellbeing chatterboxes, fairy bread and a birthday cake for Rhylee. It has been wonderful to see and hear how the students have become increasingly aware that procedural texts are everywhere around them and that they use them each and everyday, without  realising.


We have been looking at Time in maths this week and familiarising ourselves with analogue clocks with a particular focus on quarter to and quarter past. It has been wonderful to see the students becoming a little more confident at telling the time and having-a-go each day.


The Grade 2’s are beginning to get excited now for our P-2 sleepover on Thursday night. Please remember to check Ana’s Compass messages and reminders to ensure that you have given permission and packed the required items.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable week,


SC3 Learning Snapshot

With the excitement of the Halls Gap camp still in the air, SC3 have returned to class this week with loads of energy and enthusiasm. We have jumped straight back into our inquiry theme of “Our Developing Nation”, specifically looking at the gold rush period in readiness for our Sovereign Hill immersion experience next week. In Writing we are finalising our letters to our school on the goldfields, introducing our character and talking about our family and boat trip over from England and Wales. These letters have had a big focus on expression, feeling and emotion, using similes and metaphors to help with this.


In Maths, we are working on scale and measurement. Students are creating a birds eye view map of a goldfields area, following a specific set of criteria. This will be used later in the week to calculate length and area to cost out the price of purchasing materials. Students are really enjoying the design aspect of the task and the maps are coming together magnificently. 


With our Sovereign Hill experience next week, please remember to check Compass for payment and consent. There are a few guidelines for shoes, socks and long hair, however we don’t expect you to go out and buy new items. If you do not have any tether school shoes available, please send your child in the most plain shoes that they own. The school does have some pairs to provide for those that need them. I will add some final reminders in next week’s newsletter.


Have a great week everyone,


Specialist News

Artlink Excursion: Great news everyone - we have recently been funded with the opportunity to attend an artlink excursion for the whole campus! The excursion will take place next Tuesday at the Ballarat Art Gallery and is free of charge to the students. Please keep an eye out on Compass over the next day or two for the event details as well as the consent section. 


Japanese Day: Nihon Matsuri (Japanese festival day) is coming up on November 4th. Please start to have a think now about your children's costumes - they can be anything which is at all related to Japanese culture eg anime characters, Karate uniform, red and white colours to represent the flag, kimonos etc etc. Come and chat to me at the gate after school on Tuesday or Wednesday if you need ideas! It might be possible to coordinate your Japanese Day costume with Halloween trick or treating if this is something your family usually participates in, to save some time and money!

Staff Contacts

Mr Morgan:

Mrs Eddy:

Mrs Anderson:

Mrs Morgan:

Mrs Micallef:

The Scotsburn Team