Engagement & Wellbeing 

Welcome Jarrod!

We’d like to introduce and welcome Jarrod Rodgers as our new Disability Inclusion (DI) Leader. You may have seen him around last term as the Acting AP, replacing Nicole Phillips. 


The Disability Inclusion leader is a new role in our school. This year there have been significant changes and new initiatives from the Department of Education around disability inclusion and how this is implemented and managed in schools. It became clear that our existing staffing structure needed - and would benefit - from a dedicated person in this role in order to maximise support to students and staff.


Jarrod will work closely with the school leadership, wellbeing and intervention teams—in collaboration with external agencies and supports—to improve educational outcomes for all students and will ensure school-wide inclusive practices continue to be strengthened across the school. 


Some of the other key responsibilities that Jarrod is responsible for in his role includes:

  • Student funding - supporting our existing funded students and facilitating and overseeing the new Disability Inclusion Profile (DIP) process for future student funding
  • Building inclusive practices across the school
  • Supporting staff to enhance the learning experiences of all students, including students with a disability and diverse learning needs 
  • Leading our Koorie champions 
  • Working closely with students who need some additional support in different areas at times (e.g. anxiety, friendships, play, etc.)

He also brings expertise in other areas, such as Energy Breakthrough.


We are excited to welcome Jarrod to BPS and know he will do a great job. Please feel free to contact him to discuss any matters relating to disability and inclusion as mentioned above. 


Narelle Sullivan will continue to be the person to contact with any questions or concerns around student engagement and wellbeing. 

Wanted: Old Bikes Needing Repair!  

This term some of our grade 5/6 students will be participating in the ReCranked program at school, run by the YMCA. Students are supported to learn basic bike maintenance and restoration skills, through transforming a bike in disrepair into an almost new bike! ReCranked in schools builds core skills such as confidence and teamwork, while also developing meaningful relationships with peers.


Students participating in the program can bring an old bike from home to repair if they have one, or they are provided a bike by the program. 


Unfortunately, the ReCranked team are currently running low on bikes.


We are seeking donations of bikes in need of repair, that are no longer needed and looking for a new home. If you are able to help out, please contact Narelle Sullivan ASAP. narelle.sullivan@education.vic.gov.au 


The program starts this Thursday 20 October, and bikes would need to be dropped to school before Thursday 27 October. 


Thanks everyone. 

ABC Awards

Congratulations to the P-2 students who were recognised with an ABC award at our assembly last week. Keep doing wonderful things at school!