Community News

Dobsons Uniform Shop
The shop is now fully stocked with winter uniform ready for Term 2.
New Phone number: 9580 2049
Regular hours
Monday 8.30 - 11.30 am
Wednesday 1.00 - 4.00 pm
Thursday 1.00 - 4.00 pm
1st Saturday of the month (During Terms 1 & 4 only)
Dobsons Mordialloc
P 03 9580 2049 | E| W
Mordialloc College Second Hand Uniform site
Mordialloc College Second Hand Uniform Facebook site, this Group has been designed for the buying and selling of Mordialloc second hand uniform only. On Facebook you just need to search up the site under Groups or go to:
This is a volunteer initiative and the school has no direct involvement. We ask that you read the rules on the site before buying and selling. Any questions can be directed to the site administrator.
In deciding how to price your uniform, prices of new uniform items can be viewed through the link on the College website under ‘uniform’.
Netskills program
We have spaces for players to join our Netskills program
Contact: Jess McKenna
Phone: 03 9580 3675
Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal 2023
The Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal has kicked off for 2023. The appeal runs throughout April and May, and Mordialloc College have been contacted for support.
"The Salvation Army in Australia helps someone in need every 17 seconds. And this help is only made possible through the generosity of supporters like you, who support the Red Shield Appeal.
Right now, everyday life has turned into a struggle for millions of families across the nation. Grappling with hardship, homelessness, domestic violence, addiction, mental illness, poverty, isolation and much more, many are on the brink of, or already in, crisis.
The Salvation Army is asking for your support for this Red Shield Appeal, so we can continue to provide crucial assistance through our vital community programs and support services to the thousands of vulnerable Australians who seek us every day, and ensure nobody struggles alone".
Below is a QR code which will take you directly to their donations page.
If you would like further information on the Salvation Army's Red Shield Appeal, please follow this link:
Family Life & Relationships Australia - FREE One-day Workshop
Family Life's Early Help Program has Teamed up with Relationships Australia and would like to offer parents a FREE one-day workshop.
The Healthy & Respectful Relationships Workshop will focus on understanding the components of healthy and respectful relationships along with building awareness of conflict resolution strategies to manage relationship distress.
Would you like to:
- Identify personal boundaries for self and recognise healthy ways to communicate difficult issues to family members (partner, parents, children)
- Identify causes of conflict in family relationships (conflicts between partner, or parents, or children)
- Develop strategies to manage conflict in family conversations and build self-care practices
- Recognise the components of healthy and unhealthy relationship patterns
Workshop Locations -11am to 1pm (Thursday)
1. Thursday, 4th of May 2023
Where: Peterson Youth Centre, Highett Rd & Peterson St, Highett VIC 3190
2. Thursday, 11th of May 2023
Where: Frankston North Community Centre, 26 Mahogany Ave, Frankston North VIC 3200
3. Thursday, 18th of May 2023
Where: Seawinds Community Hub, 11A Allambi Ave, Capel Sound, VIC 3940
4. 25th of May 2023
Where: Westall Community Hub, 35 Fairbank Rd, Clayton South VIC 3169
You can book by clicking this Eventbrite link:
or scan the QR Code on the flyer below.
Don't forget to register as spaces are limited!
Mentone Hockey Club: Free Lessons for 10-16 Year Olds