Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning with Ms Barnett

Hello families!


What a fabulous Term 1 we have had in Teaching and Learning.

As a school we are proud of our students and their efforts both in and outside of the classroom. We were very impressed with the way in which our students conducted themselves throughout the NAPLAN testing week, at our Athletics Day and most importantly, throughout our day to day routines and rituals that support student learning. As we reflect on the term, we are considering our practice as teachers and the impact we have had on learning success. 


Last week our teachers conducted Writing Moderation to track student progress. Our students were given test write prompts, very much like a NAPLAN writing prompt, to demonstrate their understanding of both genre and the content they have been learning about, not to mention their writing skills.


Here is a sample of our student writing, completed under test conditions. You will notice there are no teacher corrections as these writing samples indicate to teachers what they can do independently without support. We know that you will be as impressed with this writing as we are!



Content Knowledge: Families


Junior School

Content Knowledge: Stories, Fables & Fairytales

Genre: Narrative

Middle School

Content Knowledge: First Contacts

Genre: Narrative

Senior School

Content Knowledge: The Australian Colonies

Genre: Narrative

Happy home reading! 

Ms Barnett