School News

Mr Irwin's Message

Hello families and welcome to the final newsletter for Term 1. 


Athletics Success!

A huge congratulations to our Aths Team for claiming the Flinders District Shield on Monday. Success in this round of competing requires an even team contribution from everyone. Over the past few years, we’ve had a significant number of age group champions at this event. This year despite having no age group champions we were able to claim the shield because of the contributions of each student who participated. The hard work from all students in Term one discoveries practicing in each of the events paid off. As the saying goes, a champion team will always beat a team of champions!


Cross Country

Our next house sporting event is the Cross Country, which will be hosted at Don Wallace on Friday the 28th of April, the first Friday back after the holidays. Students have already commenced training for this even in discovery learning and should continue to practice over the holidays to be ready for their race. Senior Students will commence racing from 12:30pm and Junior students will begin their races from 2:00pm. This format ensures there isn’t as much sitting and waiting for students at the event as previous years. Like our Aths Carnival, parents are encouraged to attend and cheer students on. 


Shade Sails

Last year we received a grant for $20,000 to install shade sails in two parts of the school. This grant was topped up with around $5,000 of Parents' Club raised funds so we can have additional shade installed out the front of the current Senior School building, and behind our current Junior School building, near the soccer pitch. I wanted to update that due to the demand for shade sails across many schools these are scheduled to be installed in Term 4. They will be another great additional to our beautiful grounds. 


School Council Update

Our Annual General Meeting of School Council was held last week. I’d like to welcome Kim Farrell onto Council for the first time and congratulate Simon Murry to the role of President. Brad Andrews will continue as Vice President after serving 3 years in the role of President. On behalf of our community I’d like to thank Brad in his role as President. In this time we’ve had a number of achievements including getting our COLA structure built and last year completing the school review process. 


Happy Holidays

I wish everyone a safe and happy Easter period. I hope the weather forecast doesn’t dampen plans to enjoy the outdoors or some family time together before school returns on Wednesday April 26th after Anzac Day. 

Student Birthdays

Healthy Lunch Box Choices and Nude Food

Please help reduce waste in our school by packing 'Nude Food' (food without excess packaging) and whole foods or unprocessed foods in your child's lunch box.  Click here for further resources and 'Healthy Lunch Box' suggestions or to download the Pick and Mix poster for the fridge!