Aboriginal Student Program

U14's National Indigenous Basketball Tournament 2023

Over the term break, Murray Yarran ('26) was selected to represent Western Australia at the U14's National Indigenous Basketball Tournament 2023. Murray Yarran was also selected as Captain of the team. WA finished with silver losing to Victoria in the Gold Medal Match. The tournament, organised by Indigenous Basketball Australia (IBA), hosted on the Gold Coast, involved a training camp, motivation and inspiration sessions. 


IBA has designed a new and exciting basketball program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people, designed to inspire and motivate them to be proud of their culture and identity. 


The IBA will support these participants in realising their dreams, whether on or off the basketball court, including fulfilling their dreams of higher education or seeking opportunities to advance in various careers, studying to become doctors and nurses or becoming community leaders and role models of the future.

MADALAH Scholarship 

On Tuesday, our students enjoyed a session with the @MADALAH_mob, exploring opportunities for students to provide feedback on their school experiences and the support available during their education journey. 


Students also participated in activities like painting and a game of Buroinjin, a ball game played by the Kabi Kabi people of south Queensland. The game was played with a ball made of kangaroo skin and played by teams of eight players.