
Year 8 PCG 1-4 Grandparents Mass


We were very blessed to be celebrating Grandparents’ Day on Tuesday with Year 8 Pastoral Care Groups 1-4.  We thank all Grandparents who have nurtured and inspired us on our journey. Fra Oscar also gave all Grandparents and special visitors a blessing. 


Thank you, to all students who had a role in the Mass, to Joshua Sumich (Class of 2020) for playing the piano, to Fra Oscar for a moving yet humorous Homily, Year 12 student Daniel Oatham for being an Extraordinary Minister and a special thank you to all Grandparents who could attend.

KAIROS # 64 Applications Now Open

Kairos #64 will run from Sunday, 16 – Wednesday, 19 July.  Applications are now open. This is the final opportunity for Year 12 students to attend this special retreat. Applications can be collected from and returned to Campus Ministry.

Friday Community Mass

Friday Community Masses will re-commence in Week 3. 10.1 and 10.2. We hope to see all our regulars and perhaps some new faces too.  Have a blessed and wonderful weekend!  


Mrs Rosa West

Director of Campus Ministry

Indian Missions Supported by Trinity College

This Friday we celebrate Edmund Rice Day. It is a time to acknowledge the traditions that make our College such a great place, a place where the needs of the poor are always one of our greatest concerns. Our way of celebration is to pray together, to reflect on the legacy of Blessed Edmund Rice and to participate in fundraising activities which will alleviate the poverty of people in India, through projects Trinity College has been supporting for over 30 years.


One of the organizations that Trinity supports though our Fun Run, is a school and home for children with disabilities in Chennai, India. All of the children who live and go to school at MITHRA would not be receiving the care and treatments that they need if they did not have this place. 


MITHRA provides meals, clothing, medicine, physiotherapy, educational activities suited to student's abilities, and a home for children with physical and mental challenges. Best of all the children are loved by the Servite Sisters who run the school and the staff who care for them. 

Jagruti High School

The Gamit tribe live in northwest India and for hundreds of years have been discriminated against as they struggled to live in their traditional lands, working as subsistence farmers. The Jesuit Fathers came to live amongst them, to learn their language and support the Gamit people. They assisted them to buy milking cows and now the community has a thriving dairy farming cooperative.


They also set up Jagruti High School to provide education for the Gamit children so they could begin to stand up for their rights more effectively and go on to tertiary education, where they could gain professional qualifications as teachers, doctors, lawyers and in business, to assist and advise their people. Trinity College has raised money which has helped to build classrooms and provide resources for Jagruti High School, over the last 30 years, knowing that we are helping some of the most underprivileged people in this part of India.

Feeding the Hungry and Caring for the Sick and Dying

Many people take shelter in the Railway Stations of Kolkata. They are the most poor and sick people of the city who have nowhere to go. Every night, Jim McGuinnis (a former staff member of TC) visits the station near where he lives. He takes food and blankets for those who need it most. Anyone who is very sick or dying he takes to Mother Teresa's Home for the Dying. 


Without this work many would die alone. Some of the money raised through the Fun Run will go to support this work. All the money Trinity College raises in the Fun Run supports projects like these. Make sure you contribute to these incredible projects by making a donation of $30 or more to the Fun Run through the online store  this week.