Deputy Principal

Week 1
I welcome everyone back from the holidays. I trust all families had some quality time together. Term 2 is a very short term, and it is imperative that the boys return focused. Being a short term there will be assessments for most courses across Years 5-12. I encourage all parents/carers to ask their sons to see the CANVAS pages for all of their son’s subjects as this will allow you to work constructively with your son and his learning.
Over the holidays I was fortunate to travel to Japan with the St Patrick’s College Rugby Tour. This was an amazing experience where our students got to not only play rugby but immerse themselves in a culture that is so thoughtful and giving. From the time we hopped off the plane until the time we hopped back on nearly two weeks later, we experienced hospitality at its finest. The Japanese people could not have done enough for us. They are a culture that always puts others first. They always ensured we had more than enough and for that I am truly thankful.
Some highlights for me included:
The Rugby games: They were all competitive. Our Opens Squad had three wins and one loss while our Development Squad had two wins and two losses. Our boys learnt to adapt their games to different interpretations of rules and the extra games and skills development that they experienced during the trip will hold them in good stead for the upcoming ISA season.
Cultural experiences: We saw many historical sites and met some amazing people along the way. From shrines to temples, famous bridges and hot springs, Japan has a plethora of amazing things to see. Perhaps the cultural highlight for me though was seeing the students interact with their Japanese counterparts after the games. While verbal language was a big barrier, seeing our boys and the Japanese students communicate by trying to speak each other’s language was very impressive. Body language came to the fore and a simple smile or laugh went a long way to ensure that there was a positive feel at the post-match functions.
Team bonding: While we had an Opens Squad and a Development Squad on tour, it was hard to tell the difference when we were not playing games. The older boys looked after the younger boys, they shared meals together and long bus trips where some friendships were strengthened, and new friendships were fostered.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the students that were part of the touring squad. You are fine young men who represented the College with pride throughout the entire trip. You are a credit to yourselves and your families. I would also like to thank the families who entrusted us with taking your sons on the journey around Japan. I am sure they have regaled you with many fond stories of their trip and they have a lot to be truly thankful for to you.
Lastly, I would like to thank Mr Sam Rowlings who led the trip. He did an outstanding job in organising the trip from start to finish. He got us where we needed to be on a daily basis while overseas and his relaxed and caring manner ensured a smooth trip was had by all. I would also like to thank the other members of staff who accompanied us on tour: Mr Alex Fox, Mrs Sarah Tatola, Mr Maguire Tatola and our physiotherapist, Mr Sam Khalifeh. Your professionalism and genuine care and concern for the students were second to none. I was in awe of the way you guided our young men on tour through expert coaching, genuine care, and compassion at all times for the boys’ wellbeing physically, emotionally and spiritually.
I am sure the students on the tour like me have made some lifelong memories and friendships and they will always look back with fondness on an amazing experience.
Adrian Byrne
Deputy Principal