Jennifer Morrison - a chess champion
On Saturday Jennifer Morrison, of Year 10, participated in a FIDE (International Chess Federation) U21 Girls Invitational rapid tournament. Chess Victoria hosted two senior FIDE officials at this tournament :-
WGM Dana Reizniece-Ozola
(Deputy Chair FIDE Management Board)
WIM Anastasia Sorokina
(Chair FIDE Commission for Women's Chess)
Dana is the former Minister of Finance for the Republic of Latvia (2016 - 2019) and became a Women Grandmaster in 2001. Anastasia has represented her birth country Belarus and later Australia at different Chess Olympiads . Both women are currently touring Asia/Pacific countries actively promoting chess to many junior girls . They were on hand to present trophies and also talk to the twenty-five invited girls.
Jennifer performed extremely well, with six wins and one draw in this seven round rapid tournament. She finished equal first on total points and received the 2nd place trophy (based on her count back score).
Congratulations Jennifer!