Nils Salomonnsson Onnebo :
On Thursday the 30th of March, the senior boys set off to play in the futsal round robin. They brought both an A and a B team to the competition and played against other schools in our area.
The A team got off to a flying start with a massive win against Beaumaris. Everyone played their part perfectly and our goalkeeper Kai Burke did an excellent job considering he is not usually a goalkeeper.
Our second game was a lot more intense. It was a back-and-forth game and it looked like McKinnon were going to get the better of us. We were 4-3 down with under 5 minutes left to play but we quickly scored the equaliser. Then with 5 second remaining we won a corner, we slotted it home in the near post, and the celebrations were just as intense as the game.
Everyone ran onto the court, including the B team and the celebrations seemed to carry on for an eternity. Winning these two games secured our place in the semi-finals against Bentleigh. This was another quite convincing win with no real dramas, which meant we progressed to the final against Parkdale.
We started off on the wrong foot going 1-0 down early, but we quickly fought back and equalised. This was yet another back-and-forth game, however we were on top at halftime, leading 5-4.
However, Parkdale came into the second half with a bang scoring three straight goals putting them up by two goals. We didn’t stop fighting though as we continued to pepper shots at their keeper and we managed to score one meaning we were only down by one goal.
We kept pushing, getting closer and closer to scoring, we came agonisingly close, hitting the inside of the post twice, but the ball just didn’t want to make its way into the back of the net.
Our efforts ended up unrewarded and the A team went home with the second place.
On a positive note, the B team won their competition which livened the spirits of everyone, which resulted in a loud bus ride with a lot of off pitch singing from teenaged boys.
Calum Spiegel:
The Boys futsal was a fun day out for all, giving fair and equal playtime for everyone. As a highly decorated coach, I am proud of the effort they put in and the results both teams achieved.
It started off with both teams dominating the first round winning with ease. In the last 3 minutes of the A team's game, our keeper was hit in a sensitive place, where a sub had to be placed on. This sub saved countless goals and won them the game.
The second game, again for the B team was won with ease, however the A's came down to the wire. In the last few seconds It was a draw with Nils Salomonsson Onnebo scoring the winner, the teams running onto congratulate him and their success
The third game like the last two for the B's was won with ease, with a similar story in the A's.
Finally, it came down to Finals. Both teams made it to them undefeated. As both games began the B's team scored goal after goal. Ultimately winning. The same couldn't be said with the A's, who lost by one goal.
Although the A's didn't win, all the boys had fun, blasting music on the bus ride home