English News

 Year 7 Comic-con

In order to host Comic-con in a Period 5 lesson, it will be held in Week 8 Thursday Period 5. Students can come dressed as a hero or a villain on the day or come in school uniform. They will set up their displays during Lunch and parents, carers and community members can visit during Period 5 from 2.15 pm onwards. Sign-in will be required - more details to come.

Comic-con is a mandatory component of the English assessment task. Please ensure your child is in attendance.

Year 8 Date with a Book

Year 8 students have spent a few lessons speed dating with a book. Students were provided with a range of Bildungsroman [coming of age] novels and were asked to 'date' them to see which one they would like to 'see' further.  After their initial dates, students selected a novel from their dates to read. They are working on applying Super 6 Reading Strategies for their next assessment task. Here are some photos of Year 8 Green Speed Dating with their books.

Year 11 Standard 

In Year 11 English Standard students have been studying the text The Handmaid's Tale. In class, students were tasked with creating a blackout poem using a page from the text or from a text of their choosing to demonstrate the relationship blackout poetry has to censorship and to the text they are studying.



Practicum Teacher

The English faculty would like to thank Ms Freya Bartlett who has been completing her practicum this term. She has demonstrated professionalism and skill during her time teaching our classes. Ms Bartlett completes her prac at the end of Week 6. We hope to see her back in the faculty as soon as she completes her degree!


Class Changes

Years 10, 9 and 8 classes will be collapsed into three classes for each year group.

Year 7 classes will remain as four classes. As indicated at the end of Term 1, the Gold class will participate in Integrated Literacy lessons. These lessons will focus on skill development (aimed at filling gaps in student literacy) combined with core content as per the rest of the Year 7 cohort. Please contact the school if you have any questions.


Temporary Departure

It is with a heavy heart that I inform parents and carers of my temporary leave for the remainder of the year. I have been sequestered to work for the Department of Education as a Writer for the English Curriculum team. This means I will be writing programs and resources for English teachers across the state in preparation for the implementation of the new curriculum starting in 2024. Whilst this means I will not be available to teach for the remainder of the year, it does mean I will be on the leading edge of new programs which can be utilised within the Glen Innes High 2024 English curriculum implementation. 


I look forward to returning to my substantive position as Head Teacher of English in 2024. Mrs Cindy Moor will be Acting Head Teacher in my absence. Thank you all for your support and understanding.

Mrs Danielle De Redder