Congratulations to all of our Terrific Kids for Term 1 

Prep A - Hart B

Prep B - Emma B

12A - Joey H

12B  - Teddy Mc

12C - Gus W

34A- Minkarli A-T

34B - Ella McD

34C - Henry H

56A - Ned W

56B - Ivy B

56C - Jamie C

56D - Timothy D



Prep A - Jack B - For using his voice to seek help and to make good choices about his learning. Keep it up Jack!

Prep B - Jordie W - For her great improvements in Maths, especially when counting to 10. Well done Jordie, keep it up!


12A - Alice C - For having a can do attitude towards all of her learning tasks and for being an all round awesome Eastie. Keep it up legend !! 

12B - Seb K - being ‘brave’ and using his voice to share his ideas and thinking with others.

12C - Zarielle M - For being an eager participant during all class discussions. Your enthusiasm for learning is fantastic!


34B- Amalie K - For being an amazing Eastie. You always demonstrate our PAL values of practising respect, acting responsibly and learning resilience. Thanks for being you. 

34C - Arthur McC - Always trying his best with any classwork and being an awesome Eastie PAL! 


56A - Sophie B - For being engaged in her learning and always trying her best! Well done Soph! 

56B - Cash K - For his high level of engagement during our Reading Workshop each day. 

56C - Ruby L - For always being willing to share her ideas during Literacy sessions. 

56D - Emma M - Having a massive crack during her learning this week - good effort Em! 



Prep A - Ricky P - For his oral counting forwards and backwards to 10, it’s great to hear your confidence in this! Keep up the hard work.

12A - Nimmi J - For doing such an amazing job in recognising skip counting patterns in our small focus groups this week. Keep up the hard work !!

34A- Koolyn J- For his positive attitude towards all areas of his maths learning. It is so great to see you having a go and trying your best. Keep it up champ. 

56C- Charlize R - For always working hard to improve in Maths lessons and taking on the feedback she receives. 



Prep A - Archie R - For his great use of the illustrations to support his oral retell and drawing to show what the book was about. Well done!

12A - Abel S - For making amazing predictions before and during reading. 

Well done Abel !! 

34A - Connor C - For his determination to have a go at all literacy tasks. Your efforts in our Readers Workshop have been awesome Connor. Keep up the good work. 

56C - Sadie L - For her hard work in developing a great story line for her book of the year narrative.



Indonesian -  Charlie F, Emerson-Rose H, Zachary F, Jackson McC