Our fortnight In Photos 


OSHC Fashionistas

Have you seen our up and coming fashionistas? These students have been getting creative with a range of fabric pieces, cutting them up and putting them together to make a fashion collection to show off on the ‘runway’.  





Bookings for 2022 

2022 OSHC Bookings are now open for siblings of students currently using the OSHC program. Please read the Compass post, dated Monday November 8 for further information regarding bookings for next year. 

 Medical and Health Details 

Just a reminder it is essential that you let us know in writing of any changes in regards to health and medical details including allergies, food intolerances and medical conditions. It is also essential that we are provided with up to date documentation including medical plans, risk minimisation plans and medication that is kept on site. 


Reminder regarding KIOSK pin numbers 

All authorised contacts that you have confirmed on your enrolment form will have access to KIOSK (our sign in and out program on the iPad) using their OWN phone number and pin number. Please do not share your details with anybody else, if your authorised contact has forgotten their PIN number please ask them to come and see a team member who will be able to ID them and reset their pin on the main computer. 


Sun Smart Hats 

Please remember that all children must wear a wide brimmed hat at OSHC if they want to play outside- this includes morning and afternoon care.


Quote of the Fortnight:

The key is not to prioritise what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities”

 Stephen Covey 



As always, families are welcome to give us feedback about any aspect of the program. We welcome your input! Please feel free to come in and have a chat with Kelly, Amanda or Tamara or send Kelly an email oshc@beaumarisnorthps.vic.edu.au