George Orwell and Animal Farm
Year 10 students were privileged to listen to former parliamentarian, Lindsay Tanner, on Tuesday 10 March. He spoke about his favourite writer George Orwell and the novel Animal Farm. Mr Tanner has previously visited Kew High School and he was invited back because he was such an inspiring speaker.
He spoke to students about how his father introduced him to the book when he was twelve years old. He then became a passionate fan of Orwell. He gave the students historical insight into the novel as well as discussing the important themes. He talked about Orwell’s life as a writer, a journalist, a soldier and an observer of life. He made students aware of some of the other works of Orwell, as well as making it clear how lucky we are to be living in Australia.
Mr Tanner spoke lucidly and directly. His knowledge and passion were clearly apparent. Even though some students haven’t begun studying the novel yet, everyone was engaged. At the end of the presentation, Mr Tanner took questions from the students and they applauded after each of his responses.
This presentation reinforced the students’ knowledge and understanding of the book.
Danny Gesundheit
Year 10 English teacher