A Great Lead in to 2015
Just prior to school starting the year 12s took part in a two day study camp where special guest speakers came in and gave talks on English texts, Well-being and Tips for Year 12. The speakers ranged from Olympians to journalists, and came with a wide range of experiences to share with us.
Highlights from the camp didn't just include the food (but it was some great food) nor the fact that it was extra time we had to complete holiday homework, but also the talks themselves. A crowd favourite was Lauren Burns. Lauren is a Melbournian who won Olympic gold for Australia in taekwondo. Lauren gave a motivating talk about difficulties, inspirations and perseverance inside and outside her career. Study camp was a great lead in to 2015 and I'm sure some of the useful points the speakers made will stick with us well in to our final year.
Adam Carr
School Captain