Introducing the 2015 School Captains
We’re both humbled and thrilled to be the school captains for 2015. It is an excellent opportunity for us to give back to the school and our peers.
Our time at Kew since Year 7 has been full of events and has given us memories that we will cherish, along with the rest of the year 12 cohort, for years to come. Some highlights of our time so far have included all the sports and swimming carnivals, leadership opportunities such as Alpine School, the Formal, being a part of the Student Representative Council (SRC), the Productions, and all of the great times we had with our friends in class.
Being school captains this year means we are able to work alongside the SRC, our fellow year 12 captains, QNetwork, staff and the school council. This is a wonderful chance for us to be able to better the school in our final year. One of our main goals for this year is to increase Kew High School’s sense of community. Already we have started doing this through our Friday morning toasties and QNetwork events such as the trivia night. We hope soon to increase communication between the year levels to enable more collaboration.
We are honoured to be in this position and are looking forward to a great year.
Olivia McDonald and Adam Carr