Catholic Identity





It was a wonderful celebration last Thursday as our sacramental candidates celebrated their First Reconciliation. Thank you to Fr Peter, Fr Jackson and our St. Mel's Sacramental Team for helping to make the celebration so calm & sacred. Our candidates have now completed the first part of their sacramental journey and will continue the formation at the beginning of next year as they prepare to celebrate Confirmation & First Eucharist. 





We finally got to have our World Labyrinth day and what a glorious day it was. The sun was shining and the kids were so reverent, respectful & engaged. They loved having a go at Luisa’s special treasured finger labyrinths. 


Lui what can we say other than thank you, we are so blessed to have you a part of our school community. Your knowledge, faith, love of God & scripture is inspiring. You lead & support us and our children in finding ways to pray, be mindful, regulate and stay calm. Thank you!




New Christmas Card Sales - Catholic Mission






Update - St Mels Church Bulletin


Please find attached this Sunday’s bulletin from St Mel’s Parish, names for November Remembrance, a flyer for Theology Scholarships and a letter from the Victorian Bishops – State Election 2022.


Please find below the link to the latest Sandpiper e-News.

Sandpiper e-News 51: 17 November 2022 (


We are looking forward to our Parish community celebration of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Parish Pastoral Committee have been planning and preparing for a wonderful gathering this Sunday.


Please join us. All are welcome. Details have been in the bulletin.

For those who wish to drop their food offerings at the hall before Mass, the doors will be open to you from 9am.


Please be advised this will be an ALCOHOL FREE event, keeping with our child safe safeguarding policies.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with this.

Look forward to seeing many of you there.




New - The Letter


In the latest edition of Social Justice Trends, The Australian Catholic Bishop’s Council Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace has released a film –‘The Letter’ in response to Pope Francis' encyclical. This is a ground-breaking documentary film and has been released by the Laudato Si’ Movement telling the story of front-line champions from around the world and brings Pope Francis’ vision of Integral Ecology to life. 


 ‘The Letter


The message within the letter encourages us to see how “everything is connected.” The way we treat the Earth, our common home, is a reflection of how we treat each other. Caring for each other means caring for the home we share. 

In the film, many perspectives are shared beautifully and powerfully. Each person represents a voice that is not being heard – the voice of the Indigenous, the voice of the young, the voice of the poor, and the voice of nature. The film follows these people coming together in dialogue with each other and Pope Francis himself. The film closes with Pope Francis’ words, "We all need each other. None of us is an island. And we can only build the future by everyone standing together."

A great watch!