Prayers and Acknowlegements

St Mel’s Primary School would like to acknowledge the Yorta YortaNation, whose clans include Bangerang (Pangerang) Kaitheban, Wollithiga, Moira, Ulupna, Kwat Kwat, 

Yalaba Yalaba and Ngurai-illiam-wurrung, and pay our respects as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our school is situated.


Prayer for those affected by the floods

In Psalm 46, we read these words of encouragement and comfort: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.


Almighty God,  


Creator and preserver of our world. We ask you to hear our humble prayers for all those affected by the devastating flood waters throughout Victoria and in other parts of our country. 


We pray for all threatened by floodwaters in Shepparton & surrounding regions. Grant safety to the thousands of residents under evacuation orders. In your mercy, bring relief to affected areas and protect both life and property.


And by your gracious hand, rebuild communities where men, women and children are nurtured with care and love. Grant wisdom to those who assist, especially government leaders, our State Emergency Service, our Australian Defence Force, other emergency workers and aid agencies.


At this time, may those without genuine peace find true hope in your Son, Jesus.




St Mel’s Parish Prayer

God our Father,

Bless our Parish so that we may love you more. Encircle our families with your loving care.  Help parents to be good examples to their children and our youth to grow in strength as good Christians. To the sick, grant health. To the aged, bring serenity and to those in sorrow, joy.

May we grow stronger in faith and may our love for one another become

 deeper in our daily living. 



Child Safe Commitment:

All students enrolled, and any child visiting St Mel’s, have a right to feel safe and be safe. The wellbeing of children in our care will always be our first priority and we have zero tolerance to child abuse. We aim to create a child safe and child friendly environment where children feel safe and are free to enjoy life to the full without any concern for their safety.