Library News 

What's New In The Library

Non Fiction 


Wonderful Wasps 

By Katrina Germein and Illustrated by Suzanne Houghton


What do you know about wasps?

There are wasps that shimmer in shades of bright blue and green. There are some without wings - and some almost too tiny to see. Some capture spiders, while others nest in fruit or mud.

With over 12 000 species found in Australia, Wonderful Wasps brings the beauty and importance of native wasps to life, and reminds us every creature matters in its own wonderful way.

Reading level varies from child to child, but we recommend this book for ages 6 to 9.



Junior Fiction 


How to Make a Pet Monster 

By Lili Wilkinson and Illustrated By Alex Patrick


Have you ever wanted a pet monster?If you are like me, the answer is NO, because you think monsters don't exist.If you are like Willow, the answer is YES DEFINITELY.Willow and I found an ancient spell book called the BIGGE BOKE OF FETCHING MONSTERS, which shows you how to make REAL MONSTERS. We made HODGEPODGE, who's a bit furry and a bit stinky. He's my best friend.Then Willow made FLUMMOX, but they didn't get along all that well, and FLUMMOX went to live with one of our friends.So now Willow wants to TRY AGAIN.I do NOT think this is a very good idea...



A reminder that Book Club Closes 28th November.



Mrs Earl in the Library