PE News


We held our Colour Fun Run on Thursday 24th November here at school!


I loved getting pink icey pole at the end of the day!” – Sienna, Prep


“I loved getting sprayed with colour! My favourtie was yellow!” – Milan, Year 1



“Bubbles, music and colours made the colour run really fun!” - Alex, Year 3


“I enjoyed running to the music and how everyone was having so much fun with smiley faces!” -  Sienna and Ariana, Year 4


“More colours, more fun!” – Augustina, Year 5


“This was the best way to end our primary school life!” – Rogan, Year 6

Thank you to Sera De Pace for her organization of this amazing and most looked-forward-to event!  As a school, we raised $6000.00! 


Congratulations all and thank you for your kind contributions!



During the term, Year 1/2 students participated in the “Let’s Ride” Bike Ed program by Cycling Australia.  Each Friday for four weeks, JLA students bought their bikes and helmets to school to learn from cycling coach Peter Gnass.  We have learnt many things from riding a bike with two wheels unassisted by trainer wheels, to buckling our helmets correctly without wearing your sun hat underneath, as it decreases safety.


We hope that students will continue to practice riding their bikes without training wheels, and even encourage their families to go for bike rides with them?  It is a great way to learn road rules and road safety, practice their newfound bike skills (a skill they can use for life!), but most importantly it is a great and easy way to keep fit and healthy!  It is also a great alternative to driving cars, and so saving the environment at the same time!



St Joseph the Worker had all of their Interschool Sports Teams make the top four positions for finals play offs in the Keon Park District last Friday:


Kanga – 1st in district, undefeated in pool division round, and then won all matches to come out on top in the finals play off against Thomastown PS, Kingsbury PS and Reservoir PS.


Rounders – Won 21 – 3 to William Ruthven, lost 9 – 11 to Thomastown PS, and drew 12 all with Our Lady of the Way, coming 2nd all around in the district.


Bat Tennis – Third combined in the district after boys and girls singles and doubles matches.


Congratulations all teams on your positive sporting behaviours throughout the competition.