Principal's News

Nigel Rodrigues

Dear Families,

It is hard to believe that next week we will be heading into Week 6 and well and truly past the halfway mark of our final term for 2023. As I have communicated already, our children are working extremely hard each day as teachers endevour to complete all the work planned in each of the learning areas. Our teachers are already beginning to work on their student reports and are completing asessment tasks to help measure achievement throughout the semester. An important part of our reporting will once again be our Student Led Meetings which will be held on Thursday 8th December after reports are available to parents earlier that week. Our children and teachers work hard to prepare for these Student Led Meetings and I encourage all parents to save the date so that they are able to attend to celebrate their child's learning. Wwe will send out a booking link as usual for parents to book their time.

2023 School Fees

As you are aware the school fees which families pay each year play an important part in our school's resourcing which enable our quality learning programs to run each year. I thank all those families who ensure these fees are paid each year and remind you all that Trinity's fees are kept as affordable as possible bearing in mind each of our families. Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools have approved, for next year a higher than 5% increase to deal with many of the cost increases associated with the impact of COVID 19 on the economy. However, in consultation with our school business manager and accountant I felt we would only increase our fees by 5%. As with last year our School Advisory Council have approved this 5% increase. There will need to be a slight increase in camp fees for Year 3/4 and 5/6 to meet the increase in these organisations charges. I have included below a chart outlining our 2023 school fees. (Click to enlarge)

Shade Sail

Some of you may have noticed our new shade sail which was installed during our recent school holidays. The shade sail was made possible through a grant which was provided by the Victorian Government, following last year's lockdowns, as the need for greater access to outdoor learning areas was identified. The new shade sail provides great protection over our decking area outside our Junior classrooms and we hope to utilize this space more often throughout the summer months. 

World Teacher's Day 28th October 2022

On behalf of all of you I think I can confidently say a massive thank you to all our teachers for the great work they do each day at school and for all that is done at home in the evenings and on weekends to ensure each child's learning experience at school is positive, challenging and I am sure rewarding.  For this week's prayer I have included a short reflection for teachers everywhere. 


Prayer:  A reflection for world teachers day.

Almighty God, We come to you today and give thanks for all our teachers. Thank you for the way in which they give of themselves each day in the classroom, Serving and instructing the next generation of this land. We thank you for them all now. Father, please fill their hearts with courage now by your mighty Spirit. Fill them with your strength, so they may rise to every challenge and not grow weary. Fill them with your wisdom, so that they may be able to make good judgement when guiding and helping others.Fill them with your peace, so that when stress and anxiety comes it would not overwhelm them. Fill them with your joy, so that the passion they have for their subject may become an infectious passion that spreads. We ask all this in the wonderful name of Jesus. 

SPS - Speech Pathology for Schools

We thank our partners at SPS for their invaluable service to our school in providing expertise in the area of speech pathology. Below I have included their latest Speech Bubble which highlights the importance of helping children develop narration skills. 

Click on the image below to open a copy of the document. 

Finbar House Spring Fete

Building sustainable community connections.

Finbar House is holiding its Spring Fete on Saturday 5th November 11-3pm at 143 Kent Street Richmond. Gold coin donation entry fee.  


African Dance & Drumming Opportunity

Our apologies but unfortunately due to the bad weather and high winds last Thursday the opening of the Elizabeth Street Playground had to be cancelled and so unfortunately our African Drumming opportunity is now on hold. It is hoped that some time early in December the opening will go ahead and so I will keep you informed when we know a date. 


Prep 2023 Transition Day 4

Another fabulous morning was held yesterday as we hosted our new preps for 2023. It was very plain to see how beneficial these mornings are as we witnessed the growing confidence and enthusiasm of these children.  Ms Caitlin was a star as she, with the support of our school leaders, engaged each child to enable them to feel safe and connected which I am sure will make day 1 next year just that much easier. 


Kind Regards

Nigel Rodrigues
