Digital Technologies

Dear families,
The Year 1 students this term have been using new robots that have been purchased-Botzees. These robots have Duplo like parts where the students follow instructions to build various types of robots- ie Walrus, Dinosaur, Crocodile. Once they have built the robot they then will have a task to code their robot to do certain movements using the block code. The robots use AR - Augmented Reality. They move within a space set by the students and can often interact with AR robots. The students two weeks ago coded their robot to a song chosen by the class and we had a Botzee dance party. Very cool!
In regards to students leaving St James this year, it is important that any work that the students would like to keep is downloaded and saved either to a USB or to a computer for future reference. All accounts are suspended at the start of next year so they will not be accessible.
Semester two reports will be available in a couple of weeks. Once again you will receive an email from NForma with a temporary password to access the reports of your child/children. Please take note of the password you choose as I do not have access to this. If you forget you will need to go through the “forgot password” steps.
Nadine Jones
E Learning Leader
STEMMS Teacher