Education in Faith

Living the Gospel


The liturgical season of advent begins this Sunday. Take time this week to create a plan that will help you prepare the way for the birth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Advent is a season for stepping back from the hectic pre-Christmas routine of the world and slowing down to contemplate the Mystery of the Incarnation. It marks the beginning of a new liturgical year in the Church that slowly builds momentum toward Christmas as the weeks go by.  As with all new beginnings, this season is intended to renew our joy, hope, faith and love.


Give me peace today, O Lord. Help me to live this day in eternal hope knowing Jesus will come again. Heavenly Father, Give me the strength to have the same trust in You that Mary had, as she awaited the birth of Jesus. I pray for humility today, Father.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation

On the 3rd of November on a Wednesday night the Year 3s made their Reconciliation.

It was a fantastic experience for us. There were three priests they were Father Dispin, Father Michael and Father Steven. We listened to the story of The Forgiving Father and after that we had to answer questions about the story like how did the son hurt the Fathers feelings and how did the son miss the mark. And to teach us that we don’t always do stuff the first time and if we keep trying we will get it right by calling our fellow classmate Xavier to show us that he did not always hit the target ( which was Father Dispin) when he was doing archery but after a while he hit the target. After that we took it in turns to go up and see the priest and tell him about a time when we missed the mark and how we could do better next time. We also said the Act of Contrition with him.

But all in all it was a fantastic night and we went out feeling better about ourselves.

By Amelia Bryant 3H


On Wednesday night, the 7th of November, I received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 

I had to wait awhile because I came there early, and then more people started to come in. Then we started, Father Dispin, and two other Fathers were there. First, we sang a song I have never heard before. After that Father Dispin talked to us about the Prodigal Son. He told us that the Forgiving Father was like God. The Prodigal Son took the money and spent it all, then said sorry to the father and the father forgave him. 

Then he asked us to put our hand up to have 3 tries at archery, he chose Tahlia, she was the target. The first arrow missed, and the second shot was so close but it just missed. Father Dispin said to us, “Since Tahlia didn’t get it, do you think Tahila is going to cry and give up?” We shook our heads to say no! 

The third arrow hit father Dispin on the arm. We clapped for Tahila then she took a seat, and then we sang another song by Andrew Chinn. 

Then we started to confess our sins, I was the last one to share about a time I had ‘missed the mark’. After that, I had to go back to my seat and say the Act of Contrition prayer. After the reconciliation ended I felt closer to God and happy.

Billie Calavette-Osbourne 3K

On Wednesday the 3rd of November I made my Reconciliation along with the rest of year three. It felt very special to be receiving another sacrament. We had three priests that came to talk to us. They were Father Michael, Father Dispin and Father Steven. We all listened to the reading, The Forgiving Father. The story was about missing the mark and not making a good choice. After we all went off to have a little chat with one of the Priests about a time when we had missed the mark. I had Father Steven and he asked me questions like If I was sorry for what I had done. After I prayed the Act of Contrition to him. Then he asked me to go back to my seat. 

I had made my Reconciliation.

By Matisse Wursthorn 3H  


On Wednesday the 9th of November at around 7:30 pm, I received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, you say to the priest a time when you have ‘missed the mark’. Missing the mark is making a poor choice. I went up towards the end and I talked to Father Dispin. He asked me questions like ‘what happened in the parable of The Forgiving Father?’ and when I was done I said the Act of Contrition to myself and to Father Dispin. 

All of 3K one by one went up to have their turn to speak to one of the three priests. After everyone went up and received their certificate for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 

After this Sacrament, I felt proud and calm because I had received the Sacrament and I felt closer to God. 

Spencer Brooks 3K



St Vinnies - Giving the Gift this Christmas!

This year we are spreading Christmas cheer a little differently! As a school, we are hoping to bring smiles to the faces of children and families on Christmas Day by providing them with some yummy food and gift vouchers to buy a special toy to pop under the Christmas Tree. Each year level has selected a toy, and will raise the money to buy a voucher for the chosen toy - a gold coin donation per student will help us reach that goal. We will also have a hamper in the front office for you to place any of the following items. 

  • Tin of leg ham 454gm
  • 2 tins of vegetables each 425gm
  • Packet of shortbread biscuits
  • Christmas pudding 400gm
  • Fruit cake or Christmas cake 700gm
  • Long life custard carton 1 litre
  • 2 small packets jelly crystals
  • Packet of Shapes biscuits
  • Packet of lollies (not chocolate please)
  • 2 tins fruit 425 gm

All donations of gift vouchers and food will be given to St Vinnies to distribute to needy families in our local community. Please bring in the money and food donations before Wednesday 7th December. 

Thank you for supporting such a worthy cause. 


Grace & Lucie (Social Justice Captains)


 Upcoming Dates...





Friday 26th November 

@ 9 am

Year 3 Level Mass

Year 3 students 

and parents 

Community Centre

Friday 26th November 

@ 2.25 pm 

Advent Prayer Service 

Hosted by: Year 5

Whole School

Parents welcome

Community Centre

Friday 2nd December 

@ 9 am

Year 4 Level Mass

Year 4 students 

and parents 

Community Centre

Sunday 4th December

@ 11.15 am

Prep Welcome Mass

Current Preps and families & 2023 Preps and families

St John's Church

St John's Parish Information and Mass times


                                                         Website:   St John's Mitcham 


Monica De Leo 

Religious Education Leader