Principal's Post

Dear Families,
We will be holding an assembly and opportunity for our St James community, students, staff, present and past parents to celebrate Carmel Foster's time at St James. This will be held on Tuesday 13 December at our 1.30pm assembly, followed by 2.20pm Afternoon Tea.
Feel free to invite any past parents you may know who may be interested in attending.
Fete Wrap Up
What a magnificent success the weekend's Parish fete was!
It was marvellous to see so many of our St James and parish community members enjoying each other's company on Saturday.
I am so very grateful to all parents, students and extended family members who put in such a huge effort either; setting up, stocking stalls, coordinating stalls, working on stalls and packing up.
I need to mention one community member who put so so so much time and energy into ensuring the fete was the success that it was. Jen Harvey, your commitment was simply amazing and you should be so very proud of what we all achieved.
Our school choir performed superbly!
Fete Raffle Tickets
Thank you for the effort put into selling these. Here is the official reconciliation of St James Primary School for this year.
240 books of 10 tickets were allocated to St James’ Primary School.
198 books returned sold / partially sold.
This is 82.5% of books returned sold / partially sold.
Total Money collected - $3960.00
St James’ P.A. share $1980.00
Money collected in 2021 - $4074.00
St James’ P.A. received $2,037.00.
Thanks to Robin and Gracie Smith from the parish for coordinating the entire raffle.
Thanks to Claire Doherty as our P & F Rep who coordinated the raffle here and to Lisa Morris and Michelle Wells in the office who supported Claire and Rob so thoroughly.
Swimming Program
A reminder that our Prep- Year 4 swimming program is in it's second week.
Don't forget:
- All children need to bring their underwear, goggles, towel and brush marked clearly with their name in a bag to school.
- All children may wear thongs to and from the pool.
- Students need to have their bathers on, under their uniform when going to the pool.
- No food need be taken to the pool, eating times are adjusted accordingly.
- Children are not permitted to bring money to purchase food from the café.
- There will be a pyjama / clothed swim activity on Thursday 24 November. These activities involve students swimming in clothing during the scheduled program. Students are required to swim in their bathers and clothes. Short sleeved top and Shorts are preferred. No onesies please
- The pool have requested that those wearing bikinis wear a rash vest.
- Student with hair below the shoulders to tie it up or wear a cap.
- Children not going swimming will be given work to do in another class.
- If your child is asthmatic, they MUST bring their medication to the pool EVERY DAY.
- Don't forget that you're welcome to come along and watch poolside during your child's lesson. We are encouraging all children to dress independently, so we won't need you in the change rooms!
School Closure Days:
Friday's staff excursion to the Mary Mackillop Heritage Centre in the city was a great day of learning and personal development. It also helps contribute to the mandatory hours MACS now requires us to complete in Religious Education Professional learning each year.
Monday 5 December is our 2022 review and 2023 planning day. Camp Australia will be available for student care if required.
Key Enrolment Dates for Year 5 students in 2023
27 January 2023 - Applications will open for Year 5 student commencing Year 7 in 2024
18 August 2023 - Applications will close
20 October 2023 - Offers to be posted to prospective Year 7 applicants
10 November 2023 - Final date for Parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school
COVID Update & Absence Reminder
Please keep up the safe practices we have been maintaining all year which includes keeping students at home who have tested positive or who have COVID symptoms. Students who are close contacts of a positive case must wear a mask (for 7 days) at all times, including while at school.
If you child is absent from school on any given day, please remember to phone the absent line or email both the classroom teacher and the office ( each day they are away with the reason for their absence.
In Brief:
- Congratulations to the Armakan family, whose children Radin, Hirad and Rahil were baptised at St John's Church on Sunday 13th November.
- "Congratulations to Ella (6C), Chloe (4B) and Lexie (4B) for their wonderful performances at Hamer Hall with the Australian Girls Choir on Sunday 13th Nov. They were all superstars on stage." Rachelle Mosca
- Final days to book your place at the Imaginative Prayer Advent Retreat. Come along and join in fellowship, prayer, and reflection as we spend time as a community preparing for the coming of our Lord. Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea are all provided. Click on the link to book your ticket
- Last week's final webinar in our Healthy Families series, Tackling Tricky Conversations, was another great session with so much positive feedback from those in attendance. St James has permission to the replay until the December 15. TACKLING TRICKY CONVERSATIONS presented by Carley McGauran
- HELP! Can you pop your name on the Farm Roster, to help look after the animals over the holidays? It's on the FARM YARD FUN Page.
- Thanks to the Year Six Families who have responded to the invitation to the evening on Wednesday 14 December. Please send along your money in an envelope, marked clearly. This helps pay the many people involved on the night. Mega thanks to the many Year Five parents who have offered to serve and clean up on the night!
- Please take care to ensure ALL clothing items, drink bottles and containers are well named. There are far too many items in the lost property tubs, outside the First Aid room with no names!
Have a great week!