Visual Arts


The 2022 Dr Marshall Art & Design Awards

This year the Awards and Exhibition will be held on Thursday, 24th November, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, in the Art & Design Centre.


Please find your invitation below:

National Art School

Congratulations to seven Year 11 Visual Arts students who were selected to attend the prestigious Intensive Studio Practice course at the National Art School in Darlinghurst this year. These students were selected from students across NSW who are achieving at the highest level of excellence in their Preliminary Course and who demonstrate a mature attitude to their studies. Blue Mountains Grammar School students were selected from a very competitive application process for this 1 Unit HSC course. These courses involve a 60 hour NESA endorsed course the students completed over the period of two holiday breaks completing an additional Body of Work to the one they will make for the 2 Unit course. 


Izabella Craig, Angus Herron, Phoebe Hines and Eve Thomas completed the Life Drawing course which focused on developing observational drawing skills while studying the structure of the human form. Lily McKay, Eva Passlow and Ana Swait studied printmaking.


BMGS students have consistently been selected over the past 20 years to extend their classroom experiences and further prepare for the upcoming Higher School Certificate. The opportunity it gives our students is to gain a real-life experience of intense studio practice, be surrounded by creativity students from all of the various disciplines and have exposure to practicing artists, galleries and have their work critiques by external art professional. This also provided students the opportunity to spend time on a University campus and feel what it might be like to study art professionally. 

We would like to acknowledge the opportunities that studying at National Art School has offered to so many of our BMGS Visual Arts students who have gone on to be practicing artists or work in creative fields.


The following comments were made by the students on the completion of their course:


Over the past two school holidays, my fellow art students and I have been able to take up the National Art School HSC extensive course. I participated in the life drawing course. For me this was a very eye-opening experience, which I recommend to any of my art peers/ students who are looking at doing art for the HSC or just love art in general. I was able to learn and expand my art skills technically and mentally such as proportional accuracy and capturing the moment. I explored new ways and materials and made a lot of friends. It was a wonderful and amazing opportunity.  Bella


The National Art School studio intensive course was a great experience as it gave me an opportunity to work with a medium that was new and that I wouldn’t have been able to use at school. It also gave me inspiration for my Year 12 body of work and allowed me to spend time with other art students from all around the state. It was also fun to spend the week in a University environment, where I could potentially see myself going after school.  Eva


The National Arts School intensive life drawing course was an extremely unique experience where we were thrown into drawing undraped figures in complex positions. This not only helped me develop my skills but also allowed me to gain a greater appreciation for drawing. In addition, we met and bonded with students from around NSW, pushing one another to do better in the University environment.  Angus


National Art School was such an eye opening experience for me where I got to meet so many talented students. Our class not only learned a great deal, but we also had a fantastic time together and made great memories. Since going to NAS so many opportunities have opened up for me and it has definitely made an impact on my future and where I want to take those skills. Overall, the experience was incredible and I would recommend it to anyone thinking about going to National Art School.​   Eve


Mrs Sally Herron

Head of Visual Arts