From the Principal

and key term dates

Important Dates for Term 4

9th November until 7th December (Wednesday's only) - 2 to 6 Swimming

14th November - Bike Ed (3 to 6) commences

15th November - School Council 7.30pm

29th November - Prep 2023 Parent Information Night

30th November (9am - 10am) - 2023 Prep Transition


1st December - Raglan Ride

2nd December - Curriculum Day - No school for students

9th December - House Swimming Sports

13th December - School Council meeting 7.30pm

14th December - School Concert and Presentation Night

19th December - Grade 6 Graduation

20th December - Last day of school 1.30pm finish


Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to the following students who celebrate theirs in the coming two weeks:

Skylar (1/2A)

Connor (1/2B)

Joel (3/4A)

Daniel (5/6A)

Scarlett (Prep)

Jayden (3/4A)

Ava (1/2B)

Riley (1/2B)





From the Principal

Wow...we are halfway through Term 4 already. The year is really flying along. 


This Wednesday (tomorrow), we commence our Years 2 to 6 Swimming Program. Students will be bussed to the Ballarat Aquatic Centre for their 45-minute lessons, each Wednesday for the next 5 week. At the end of the program, we will hold our annual House Swimming Sports. 


A huge thankyou to those parents who attended last night Big Sister Experience Parent Information Night. From the feedback we received, it was a very informative evening. We will be sharing the resources provided with our school community in the next newsletter.  


Next week, the teachers will commence their end-of-year assessments. Students will take part of several assessments aligned with their literacy and numeracy learning. These tests will guide our end-of-year reports. Students should not feel nervous or threatened by these assessments, they are simply to let us know what they have achieved this year, and each child's achievement will be different to the next. 


Also, next week, the Year 3 to 6 students will commence their annual Bike Ed program. Students are asked to bring a working bicycle to school for the 2-week program. Students who do not own a bike are welcome to borrow one of the school's bikes.  Bikes may be left at school for the duration of the program. Information regarding the 3/4 Challenge Day and 5/6 Raglan Ride will be coming home shortly.


Next week, Miss Radford commences her long service leave and preparations for her wedding. We wish her and Sam all the best for their big day. We can't wait to see the photos and hear all about it when she returns.