From the Deputy Principal

Megan Nertney

We are well into Term 4, with a really good rhythm. The vibe in the classrooms is calm, with children happy to embrace everything that the term has to offer. Our teaching and learning focus will continue right up until the end of the school year, with many memorable moments being created. We have our Year 6 class going to Canberra next week. We wish them well and hope it will be a wonderful learning experience. 


For the next three weeks, we are focusing on our school value of Endeavour. Endeavour means to attempt to do something. At school every day our children strive to achieve or reach a goal. The main focus of this value is ‘be beside those who help you be your best’. In life it is always important to make good choices and surround yourself with good people, who are positive and are going to challenge or strive for you to be a better person. How can you help your child to make these choices? 


In the last few weeks, we have been gathering PAT Reading, PAT Maths and Lexile reading data across the school to help inform our teaching practices. The teachers are currently busy doing in-class assessments and writing reports.


Last week our Village went to the pool to have some fun together. We loved having so many parents join us. A big thank you to all of you who came to our POTS Art Show; it was a wonderful success. The artwork has been sent off and is being prepared. We hope to have your goodies to you in a few weeks.  There are many more exciting events coming up so be sure to keep an eye on the calendar, newsletter, Seesaw and the Facebook page. 


Have a great week. 


Miss Megan Nertney