Health & wellbeing news

2022 Wrap-up
What a huge year 2022 has been, particularly seeing as it was the first full year back to “normal.” Be proud of your efforts this year given it has been a period of adjustment for everyone. We hope you enjoyed the events and programs that the student wellbeing team hosted this year and thank you for your ongoing participation and involvement. Have a safe and happy holiday break and look after yourselves, your family, and your mates. We are looking forward to supporting the health and wellbeing of the school community in 2023!
A safety message from the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation
The Australian Federal Police through the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation is seeing a concerning global trend of teenage males being targeted to send explicit images of themselves and then blackmailed. This is called sexual extortion, or sextortion. This crime can have serious wellbeing and psychological impacts.
The Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation is here to keep young people safe from online sexual exploitation and abuse.
For further information, resources and advice visit
You can make a report via
Programs and Support Over the School Holidays
Yarra Youth Services- School Holiday Program | Yarra City Council
Check out their instagram page for more information about the school holiday events and programs run by Yarra City Council
Hume City Council- School Holiday Program - Hume City Council
Check out their website for more information about school holiday events and programs run by Hume City Council
Parenting Stress Program-
Sometimes it seems like the demands of parenting just keep building up! It would be unrealistic to remove all stress, and sometimes a little bit of stress keeps us motivated. But when our stress levels get too high, it starts to impact on many other areas of life. There are things you can do to control and cope with everyday stress.
You can achieve your parenting goals with the Triple P’s toolkit of parenting solutions and strategies. The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program, developed here in Australia, is now the world’s most widely researched parenting program.
Fear-Less Triplep Program-
Online program for parents/carers of anxious kids (from age 6+) to help your child learn to manage and reduce anxious feelings, now and in the future. Based on proven child psychology principles and research.
Supporting your family’s emotional wellbeing-
The right support helps you give your child or teenager the life skills they need! Choose which course is right for you:
- Triple P Online – for parents of young children under 12 years
- Teen Triple P Online – for parents of pre-teens and teens, approx. 10-16 years
Tuning into Teens-
Equipping parents with skills to build on their emotionally intelligent parenting. Kids First is running 2 groups in Term 1 as follows:
Wednesday Feb 15 – March 22
10am – 12pm
Face to face in Thomastown
Wednesday Feb 15 – March 22
6pm – 8pm
Are you a parent or carer of a child or young person with neurodiversity?
Are you looking for a group of peers who share your experience who you can meet, connect with, chat to, and exchange stories, advice, and experiences with?
Then our Parents & Carers Group may be what you're looking for!
Are you a young person aged 12 to 18 years with neurodiversity who is currently enrolled at secondary school?
Are you looking for a group of peers to hang out with, to chat about interests and passions over board games and activities, and generally have fun?
Then our Teens Group may be what you're looking for!
Secret Agent Society Social Skills Program-
A revolutionary program designed to improve the emotional understanding and social skills of children aged 8-12 years old with high-functioning ASD.
2 Day Parent/Carer Workshop – VIC-
This workshop will be held at a venue. It is for parents, full-time carers and grandparents. Join other local families to learn more about autism and ways to strengthen the home-school partnership.
Other Support
Kids Helpline- 1800 55 1800: Phone support is there all day, every day (24/7) for young people and their families
They have WebChat Counselling Open 24/7 - 365 days
If you prefer to chat online, you can connect one-on-one with a Kids Helpline counsellor through WebChat!
eHeadspace- 1800 650 890: Open 9am-1am daily (AEST). eheadspace provides free online and telephone support and counselling to young people 12 - 25 and their families and friends if they are (feeling down, feeling stressed, being bullied, have concerns about drugs and alcohol, having questions about sex, having difficulties forming relationships or just wanting to talk about anything). They also have group chat-
Beyondblue- 1300 22 4636: Phone support all day, every day