SCC General Notices

Last week's Science Fair - See Secondary page for more!

FRONT COVER PHOTO: Year 12 Graduation Dinner - See Secondary page for more!

School Fee Accounts due

A reminder - all accounts are due for final payment on Wednesday 30 November.

Term Dates 2023

Tasmanian Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast

This morning, members of staff and some secondary students, were invited to the Tasmanian Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast. The event brings together like-minded people from across Tasmania to pray for our State, our leaders, parliamentarians, businesses, schools, communities and community organisations; our families, youth, and children.


Each year, a recognised public figure who has made a significant contribution to the community is a guest speaker at the breakfast. This year, the guest speaker was Robyn Moore; a passionate Tasmanian, who began her career as an Educator, then explored her love of recording and entertainment. Robyn’s unique understanding of “The Power of the Word” and effective communication skills, enable her to create entertaining and inspiring presentations, woven together with stories from her life experiences and spirituality that she lives every day!


Those that attended enjoyed a morning of Prayer and devotion together.

First Steps

First Steps is a playgroup styled program held in two locations - FREE for all children from birth to 4 years of age.

For more information contact our Early Learning Centre or the College Office.

KELC Email: 

KELC Phone:  0409 196 433

SSATIS 2023 - Expressions of interest for next year

SCC is a member of the Southern Sports Association of Tasmanian Independent Schools. .....See the Sports and Community page for more information.

Reporting of Covid-19

RATS available through the College Office

CURRENT Covid-19 Information for Parents

We will continue to follow advice provided by the Tasmanian Government and the Department of Education.


RAT kits are available from the College when required.

If your child is unwell, please stay at home and test using the RAT provided by the College. If the result is negative, and your child is feeling well, they can return to school. If positive, let the school know (email, keep your child at home and advise Public Health. 


Changes to isolation requirements

From 14 October 2022 individuals who have COVID-19 symptoms are encouraged to stay at home while they remain unwell, but it will no longer be mandated for them to remain in isolation for 5 days.


For further and up-to-date information from the State Government visit:

Gastroenteritis or Covid?

We have had a number of incidences of gastroenteritis over the past week. If Public Health advises a RAT test, please follow those directions. If it is not Covid related, please be advised that children are not to return to school until they have been free from vomiting or diarrhoea for at least 48 hours from their last episode.


If you have had Covid in the last 12 weeks, you are not required to test again even if you have symptoms as you are likely to return a positive test due to the virus continuing to leave your system.


Please refer to the Tasmanian Public Health guidelines at for all the current information.

Mr Headley will be growing a moustache for Movember!

In the words of Mr Headley:

On the 11th November, I was shaving and the word 'Movember' popped into my head. 'Why not?' I said to myself, 'better late than never'. 


I’m supporting Movember because they’re tackling some of the most significant health issues faced by men. Your donations will help them stop men dying too young.


I realise that many people already have giving commitments so no pressure to donate at all and no pressure to donate large amounts - even a dollar is good! 


Thanks for your support.


Please click on the link below if you would like to donate:

Library Books to be Returned by Friday!

ALL Library books need to be returned by this Friday, 25 November. No borrowing after this date.


Please look under beds and on book shelves and see which class can find all their books. 


Thank you for the faithful students and parents who regularly return their books!

Welcome Baby Elouise!

Congratulations to Lizzy and Tim Phythian on the safe arrival of their little girl, born several weeks earlier than expected!


Mrs Phythian said:

Her name is Elouise Joyce. Elouise means 'famous warrior' and Joyce was my grandmother's name. It means 'rejoice'.


She is doing well despite being quite premature. She will be in hospital for about another month, and we will travel in and see her every day. 


Thanks for all your prayers over this journey. We love her so much and I can't wait for you to all meet her!

Kinder Enrolments for 2023 - additional hours  (Repeat)

Don't forget to enrol your child for our Pre-Kinder sessions which are held each Thursday in November from 9:30 to 11:30am with Mrs Belle Kean who will be teaching Kindergarten in 2023.


Kinder will be held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays in 2023 from 8:45am to 3:10pm each day.

Term 1 2023 Extended Trading Hours - SCC Midford Uniform Shop


The Southern Christian College Midford Uniform shop will re-open for 'Back to School' on Thursday 19 January.

  • By Appointment if you need to try on multiple items or walk ins.
  • No appointment required for ONLINE STORE pickups.
  • Please wait in the Lower Hall to be called to the uniform shop.

Term 1 2023 Extended trading hours

Thursday 19 January – 9:00am to 12:00 noon 

Friday 20 January – 1:00pm to 4:00 pm  

Wednesday 25 January – 9:00am to 4:00pm 

Tuesday 31 January – 9:00am to 4:00pm                                                      

Wednesday 1 February – 9.00am to 4.00pm (FIRST DAY OF TERM 1 for new students, Grade 7, 11 and 12)

Thursday 2 February – 8.30am to 9:30am (FIRST DAY OF TERM 1 all other students)

Shop online:

Go to online schools shop tab, find our school

Pass Phrase: SCC1986

Make appointment:

Phone: 61220197 (during opening hours only)



Wednesdays – 8:30am-3:30pm (Closed between 11:45am-12:15pm)

Thursdays – 12:30-3:30pm

2022 Schools’ Triathlon Challenge

For students who have previously registered.

The Schools Triathlon Challenge will be held at Bellerive Beach on these dates:

  • Secondary grades (7-12) – Thursday 1 December
  • Primary grades (3-6) – Friday 2 December

We look forward to great day of fun and competition, with a fantastic team once again representing Southern Christian College.


For further information please visit the STC web site:

or email Mr David Hoffman -

End of Year Events and Celebration Dinners - Save the dates!