From the Principal

From the Principal

This week, our Year 12 students enjoyed their formal dinner. This was a special time for them to celebrate the end of their schooling journey with family members and teachers. Each individual in the group is a warm, compassionate and determined young person who are ready to take on the challenges of the next stage of life’s journey. Congratulations on completing your schooling journey and thank you for the special contribution you have made to the College. 


This morning it was a privilege to attend the annual Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast, along with several hundred other Christians. It was a joy to be in a room filled with many who are committed to following the example of Christ in all walks of life.  


One message that struck with me deeply came from the MC, Mr Stephen Baxter, a former parent from the College. He spoke about why a life of following Christ is relevant, considering we live in the most secular state in Australia, in a world of growing inequality and division and a ‘cancel culture’ that aims to silence some voices.  


Stephen pointed to the example we have in Jesus of someone who did not turn away from those who needed help. He was there for the sick, those with a disability, those who were cast out by the community. He pointed to the example of Jesus in Luke 8. In the face of an angry crowd who were intent on stoning a woman caught in adultery, Jesus replied simply, ‘“Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” (verse 7). He pointed to the example we have of Christ, on the cross, forgiving those who tortured and would kill him.  


Each of the students at the College is on their own journey. They are invited to explore the message of the Bible. Some, even those who are very young, have a faith and confidence in God. Others do not share this faith. I pray that all our young people may look to the example of Christ who stood strong in the face of opposition and loved those who needed it most. As a community, we seek to raise up young people who live a life that reflects the fruits of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.


Jodie Bennett
