Round the classes 

Reception class : Katie 

Since coming back to school for Term 4 the Reception class has been continuing to work on the revision of our sounds. We have also been perfecting our sentence writing and have started writing our own short information reports. 

In maths we have been learning about big numbers as well as words that describe location. 

As part of HASS we have been learning about maps and how they are drawn using a bird's eye view. We have practised taking our own bird's eye view photos and doing some bird's eye view drawings. 

We have also been very busy getting some art work ready for the upcoming Uraidla Show. 


Year 1/2 classes : Sam and Kelly

It has been a busy start to our last term together. In maths we are looking at money. We are learning how to recognise Australian coins and notes, order money according to lowest and highest value and how to add values of money to make a total. We also spent time brainstorming everything we already know about money. This has really stretched our knowledge as we have been learning from each other. Thank you to some students who have been able to bring in currency from different countries to share with their peers. 


Sam's class hosted the first assembly of the term and thought creatively about why they are grateful for their bodies. 

I am grateful for my super hands because they help me to play video games and play with my yo-yo. Harley
I am grateful for my sparkly brown eyes because they help me to see the wonderful world around me. - Lilly
I am grateful for my helpful head because it helps me to do lots of things like thinking because my head has my brain in it. - Fletcher
I am grateful for my super hands because they help me to play video games and play with my yo-yo. Harley
I am grateful for my sparkly brown eyes because they help me to see the wonderful world around me. - Lilly
I am grateful for my helpful head because it helps me to do lots of things like thinking because my head has my brain in it. - Fletcher

Students also got to share their digital koala artwork drawn on the Sketches School App during the assembly. 

By Jake
By Victor
By Ned
By Jake
By Victor
By Ned


In Health and Wellbeing both classes have been learning about 'What makes a good friend and how to be a good friend'. We had an exciting visit from the Life Education Van where students continued to grow their knowledge about friendship. They also talked about healthy foods we can put in our body to keep us energised for longer periods of time. 

A friendly reminder for Year 1/2 students to continue to read aloud to an adult each day and record this in your reading log. Thank you. 


Thank you to all the parents and volunteers who supported Sam's Class Tuck Shop on Friday. Sam is extremely grateful for your time and assistance. 


Year 3/4 class: Stephen and Henry

In our class we have been learning about Australian geography as part of the social sciences. One of our tasks was to create a topographic map of Australia, using appropriate colours of playdough to indicate areas with dense vegetation and desert areas.  We used string to mark in the borders for the states and territories. We also had to add a compass to show the north, south, east and west directions. Our maps are a work in progress as we improve our skills at recording the Australian landscape with accuracy.  

We have also made a good start to our many challenges at home. 



Year 3/4 class: Alex

In Week 1 and 2 this term students have been enjoying researching a ‘living thing’ of their choice in preparation for writing an information report. Students have been deciding which categories to focus their research around and have been practising the skills of note taking and paraphrasing. In Health students have been investigating the topic of power in relationships. They have been thinking about and discussing given scenarios to unpack whether the characters are using their power in a positive way or abusing their power in some way. We have been exploring the concept of bullying and reflecting on how we can use our power in given situations to support others and have a positive impact. During Week 2 we have had a visit from the Life Education Van. Students were thoroughly engaged with the ‘All Systems Go’ session which explored the biological systems of the human body including the circulatory, digestive and respiratory system. Students enthusiastically shared and made connections to their prior knowledge during the session. 

Life Education lessons
Life Education lessons


Practice for our Sports Day ‘house cheers’ has begun, led by our Year 6 students. I was part of the practice with the yellow ‘Eyre’ house team for their cheers and I can say they are sounding loud and clear!


Eyre 'house cheer' practice
Eyre 'house cheer' practice


Year 5/6 Class: Sallie

Can you believe we are already two weeks into Term 4? In the 5/6 class for English, we are continuing to dissect the guided reading novels we are working on. As you could imagine we are getting to the "boulder" parts of the novels. In maths we are doing a short unit of work on transformations and symmetry and engaging with our maths mentals groups to try and find the most efficient strategies to work out equations or problems. We have started our design and technology project - paper mache birds. We have completed our design, looked at probable issues we may face and ways we may be able to combat these issues. We have completed the first layer of newspaper and egg carton to shape our birds and most of us have completed the first paper mache layer. You will have to come to the Uraidla Show to see the outcomes of this project. 

We are looking forward to our bush walk on Monday and getting to know our local environment.  The Year 6s were lucky to have great weather for their aquatics camp and rose to the challenge of undertaking new and exciting activities in and on the Murray River.  See the report by the students below.


SAPSASA News - District cricket

Karim Assal has been chosen to represent the district in the State Cricket Carnival. The carnival will be held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of Week 3. Good luck Karim and we look forward to hearing how you went.


Indonesian : Ibu Susan

We have had a busy start to Indonesian this term. The younger classes are reading the story Melihat Apa? (What Can You See?). This includes words for things we can find in the garden. The older students are writing and practising short plays in Indonesian. They are focusing on learning their lines and speaking in an authentic accent. The 5/6 class is also finishing their research on an Indonesian island.


Science : Troy

Life Ed

This week all students were part of Life Education classes. Students learnt about friendships, the body and respectful relationships. Everyone got to experience the Life Ed Dome and still see Harold the Giraffe which many of us experienced when we went through school. Here are some photos of students in their workshops. 

Sports Day

Preparation for Sports Day has begun. This week all teams began learning their chants in preparation for Week 5.  

Gardening : Jo 

The 1/2 students have begun designing and making scarecrows to enter in the Uraidla show. 

The usual collection of green waste and attending to the compost bins is being practised as well as learning and practising skills in the garden.