Inclusion & Engagement 

Hello Everyone 😊

We have been so fortunate to be supported by The Alfredton Rotary Club. 

They have a program set up to provide and distribute cheese sandwiches to Schools within Ballarat. They do this in collaboration with students in Year 11 from Ballarat Grammar in which the students make up the sandwiches to be distributed. 

The sandwiches are delivered each fortnight to our School frozen and are distributed between the Kinder, OSCH and Primary School areas, and are kept frozen and used if a need arises that any child requires a sandwich. 

We are thrilled to have the support of a wonderful Community organisation and thank Alfredton Rotary and Ballarat Grammar College for their support of our school community. 


Artwork by Hayden (S3)
Artwork by Hayden (S3)

Think U Know – Parent Cyber Safety Presentation.


Leading Senior Constable Des Hudson OAM from the Ballarat Police Proactive Unit will be attending our school to deliver a parent Cyber Safety forum on: 


Tuesday 17th May, starting at 7pm

in the Kim barne Nitji gymnasium.


The forum is specifically aimed towards parents.  Items discussed will include topics such as: protecting personal information, do you really know who you are talking to online?, sexting, cyber bullying/growing your voice and information about the Office of the E-Safety Commissioner.  The session will run for approximately 60 – 90 minutes.


This forum will provide parents with an overview of the key topics discussed with students during class sessions and should be used to promote conversations between parents and children about cyber safety strategies.  This is a great opportunity to clarify any misunderstandings about cyber safety and gain a greater grasp of the challenges your child may be facing in an increasingly technological world.