Yaama everyone and a deadly welcome back for Term 2! For our mob here at school we have had a very busy start to the term. 


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Council

In Week 1, we appointed our official executive student members of our Student Council. They are as follows:


President: Jazmyn Pearson

Vice President: Jekoya Nash

Secretary: Erin Allan

Treasurer: Wyatt Allen 

Media Officers: Kelly O’Gorman and Rohan Martin


A massive congratulations to these students and we are excited to watch our young leaders on their new journey. 


Year 12 Yarn Up on Country

On the Wednesday of Week 10 last term, Year 12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students were offered the opportunity to visit and learn about local sites. Local Elder, Uncle Nev Sampson, joined us and told us stories about Mini Wave Rock, Granny’s Armchair and Boundary Rock as well as the local area of Moore Creek. The students who came learned a lot about the local Gomeroi Country. It was a great opportunity that we look forward to continuing this term and later this year.

On Country Women's Day at Trelawney Station

Bumbira Art & Culture program organised a Women's Gathering at Trelawney Station on Friday 28 April. Maddy, Mel, Lisa and Mrs Guilbert attended with 12 students from Years 7-12. It was a terrific day and a wonderful opportunity to connect to Country, Community and Identity whilst also empowering our deadly Yinarr (Women). We participated in a range of activities including weaving, story sharing, Bush Tucker, soap making, Dance and Yarning. A massive thank you to the ladies who organised this event and we look forward to joining in on more programs!


Warraymalaya 10, 11 & 12 Retreat

Lisa, Miss Spicer and Maddy had the privilege of taking 14 students from Years 10, 11 and 12 away on the first Senior Warraymalaya Camp to Sydney. The bus departed Monday 2 and returned Thursday 5 May. The retreat was designed for our students to have the opportunity to meet and undertake workshops with successful Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Role Models with a focus on being Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students in our Diocesan Catholic Schools today as well as career and educational pathways. The retreat was coordinated by Karen Tighe (SME: Indigenous Education K-12). The students were able to enjoy Luna Park, Swimming at Collaroy Beach as well as attending the Northern Beaches NSW Tafe Campus and Macquarie University, visiting St Mary’s Cathedral and the War Memorial. They also participated in a workshop run by AIME (Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience). Our students were able to enquire about all the opportunities available to them and made some really great relationships.The highlight of the trip on the last day was 11 and 12 climbing the Sydney Harbor Bridge whilst year 10 were able to Cruise around the Harbour on the Tribal Warrior Cultural Tour. 


Lisa, Miss Spicer and Maddy would like to thank our deadly students for Getting up, Standing up and Showing up, and representing our school community with pride and integrity. We are proud to work with a deadly cohort of students.

Yarn Up

The Yarn Up program will commence on Monday 9th May where students will begin to work on their artworks for the NAIDOC display. We would like to extend a warm welcome to any parents or community members to come along. If you would like to attend please send us a message, give us a call or yarn with Maddy, Lisa, Mel or Ms Spicer. We look forward to watching some amazing pieces of work be created!



Planning for the 2022 NAIDOC Celebrations is underway, if you would like to contribute or have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us! We would love any form of input!


Kara Spicer - ATSI Focus Teacher


Lisa Smith - AEA Year 7, 11 and 12


Maddy Simmonds - AEA Year 9 and 10


Mel Lamb - AEA Year 8