Principal's Report

Hello everyone,
Thank you for the productive start to Term 2.
We continue this Term to work for improved classroom conditions so that more students experience meaningful learning each lesson. At the end of last Term I shared clear evidence of improved conditions and fewer interruptions to learning across the College. As a more collaborative classroom culture develops we expect improved learning outcomes as students work more effectively together and staff spend more time leading learning and differentiating learning, rather than dealing with unproductive behaviours.
A calm setting allows more effective delivery of protective factors that support student resilience, contentment and wellbeing:
- Sense of safety and security (I am safe).
- Self-worth (I am respected and valued).
- Social connection (I am part of a community, I am wanted and needed, I can listen and be heard).
- Self-efficacy (I can do things to look after myself and others).
- Sense of purpose, hope and meaning (going to school is worthwhile, I can live a good life in a world worth living in).
Effective lessons that lead to meaningful learning are the foundation of student success at school. No other factor is as significant. A calm setting where positive protective factors are experienced by all students is the foundation of an effective lesson. Skilled teaching, a sense of team, a willingness (and sense of responsibility) to contribute and a determination to persist combine to make purposeful, meaningful learning inevitable.
I know you have seen it before and ask you to look again at the features and practices of a worthwhile lesson.
Instead of ‘What did you learn at school today?’ parents and carers can ask ‘Did you have 5 great/good/productive lessons today?’. If a student is asked to contribute more to a class please be assured it is because their learning and/or the learning of others is compromised, and it is in everyone’s interests for that situation to be turned around.
Year 7 and 8 Parents and Carers
Please recall and support our homework approach. Students have a reader and a Mathletics subscription. This week they have been given a Typing Club subscription. Reading fluency, vocabulary building and numeracy skill development are the keys to academic success. Minimal subject-specific homework is given and we spend 45 minutes (more or less) on developing these learning foundations. Typing Club is a great addition. Please have a look when students are introduced to the program later this week.
All the best,
Mr Rod Whelan - Principal