Grade 3/4 News

Term 2, week 6


  • Home Reading Diaries must be checked each night and come to school Friday with a parent signature. Students will need to read a minimum of 20 minutes for 4 nights each week.
  • Homework - Week 7: Reading Diary and Studyladder Tasks (as given by teacher)
  • Homework - Week 8: Reading Diary and Big Write Homework (planning sheet to be completed at home and signed by a parent/guardian) 

Education Week - Thankyou!

Thankyou so much to all those who were able to attend school last week as we celebrated Education Week. Students had a great time designing what they think classrooms will look like (or should look like!) in the future. 


'Area' Robots + Around the Classroom

In Applied Maths we are exploring the concept of area. Students showed their learning by assembling and designing some 'area' robots. Here are some of our awesome designs and other photos from around the classroom! 


Learning in Weeks 7 & 8

Mathematics: We have decided to extend our lessons on 'Addition and Subtraction' until the end of the term to help us better grasp the important concepts that we are learning. We will also be continuing on with our topic of 'Area' in Applied Maths and students will use their understanding of area and perimeter to design a zoo. 


Writing & Reading: Students will be moving into 'Informative Writing' this fortnight and will explore some of the different features of non-fiction texts. They will also focus on the 'Skip Strategy' and how to infer meaning during our Read to Self/Read to Someone sessions. 


Topic: Students have begun work on their 'Conservation Campaign' projects, where they are required to research an endangered species and create a poster that highlights the issues/threats facing their chosen species. These projects will be completed over the next fortnight.