Grade 1/2 News

Term 2, Week 6

Grade 1 and 2 Reminders:

  • Wednesday 15th, June: Triceratops Day, Melbourne Museum - Please see information below.
  • Tip Toe Through Our World - as part of our topic this term we are seeking the donation of some items, please read the letter attached below.
  • School Uniform: Now that the weather is cooler we have noticed that a number of students have been wearing items, which do not fit our school uniform policy. Please visit our school website to check out the policy, if you are unsure about what students can and cannot wear. 

Triceratops Day, Melbourne Museum

On Wednesday the 15th June, we are heading to the Melbourne Museum for the Triceratops Day exhibition. The students are really looking forward to this, and thank you to all the families who have provided permission and payment. 


We are able to take 5 parent volunteers with us for the day (this will be one volunteer from each class). If you would like to attend, please send an expression of interest to your child's teacher, via email by Monday 6th June. Our volunteers will be drawn out of a hat and notified as soon as possible.


We are all getting very excited for our excursion! A few notes to help you get organised and ready:

  • Please pack a clearly named drink bottle.
  • Please pack your child's lunch and snack in two separate bags, clearly named and labelled e.g. John Smith, 1/2 Murphy, Lunch. The students' food and drinks will be placed into grade tubs and stored during the day, so please do not pack anything in with this that your child will need throughout the day.
  • We will be eating lunch and recess outside in the park nearby the Melbourne Museum - please ensure that you child has their jumper with them.
  • Please note we are trying to avoid extra things to carry where possible!

What we have been up to...

Last week it was wonderful to have lots of family members come and join us in our classrooms as part of our Education Week celebrations! We all enjoyed showcasing our learning and spending time playing word games and writing with a special big helper! Thank you to those family members who were able to join us!

Upcoming Fortnight:

Term 2 - Week 7 and 8

Literacy:  Over the next two weeks students will be working on expanding their vocabulary using the strategy 'Ask someone to define a new word'. They will also be building on their fluency by 'using punctuation to enhance phrasing'. Students will be working with the phonemes 'qu' and adjacent consonants 'ss', 'ff', 'll' and 'zz'. When writing, students will be learning about different types of poetry.


Mathematics: During Mathematics we will continuing learning about efficient mental strategies when adding and begin exploring the connection between Addition and Subtractions. Students will also practise telling the time to the hour and half hour.


Topic:  In topic students will be investigating the concept of recycling and will make gifts using recyclable materials. They will also learn about environmental footprints.