First Aid News

Free Flu vaccinations for all Victorians were announced by the Victorian Government this week.


To help Victorians stay well this winter, the Victorian Government is providing free flu vaccinations for everyone aged six months and over. 


Free flu shots will be offered between 1 June and 30 June to boost vaccination coverage as much as possible and help avoid more hospitalisations throughout winter. 


Cases of flu in Victoria increased by more than 30 percent at the end of May. With case numbers rising so quickly it’s more important than ever that Victorians protect themselves, their loved ones, and the health care system.    


More than 3,000 GP clinics and pharmacies across the state have been invited to offer free flu vaccinations.  


The flu vaccination is always free for eligible groups including children under five years, people over 65 years, pregnant women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people with increased risk medical conditions. 


Along with getting a flu shot, keeping up to date with COVID vaccinations will help you to stay well this winter.  You can have your flu vaccination and COVID vaccination at the same time. 


If you are currently sick with the flu or COVID, wait until you feel better to have your flu vaccination.  


Anyone with cold and flu symptoms should get tested for COVID and remain at home until their symptoms have resolved. To protect others, you should stay at home if you are unwell even if you do not have COVID.