Pupil of the week 

2022 Pupil of the week - 10th June                  


Raf- for modelling wonderful writing behaviours like sounding words out, looking at the THRASS chart and having a go. Keep it up you superstar!

Evie- for the positive energy you bring into our classroom. You always have a delightful smile on your face as you enter the classroom. 


Ruby C - for your beautiful reading this week. The enjoyment and expression you show when reading is infectious!  

Neel K - for your wonderful writing this week. Well done Neel!

Zach T - for being kind and respectful to all members of our class. Well done! 

Frankie A - for your fantastic work using the THRASS chart. Your hard work really shows. Keep up the great work!


Yubo -  for your beautiful writing and sounding words out. Keep up the amazing work! 

Chloe - for being kind and respectful to all members of our class. Well done! 


Alice B- For your fantastic recount on learning to ride a bike. You worked so hard on all the details.

Lily B- For a brilliant presentation on how music has changed over time.


Soleil N - Her positive attitude towards her learning.

Ari P - For your excellent recount writing this week. You included lots of fabulous details.


Angus B - for your fantastic procedural writing about how to make a pillow fort. You included lots of steps.

Isla L - for your oral presentation on how chopping meat and vegetables has changed over time.


Emmett G - for his excellent presentation on how music storage has changed over time. You did a fantastic job, well done!

Sarah W - for always demonstrating great initiative in the classroom. You are a great helper!


Max R- for his very creative ‘Past and Present’ presentation to the class, which was based on Mario. Your talk was very engaging Max. Keep up the great work!

Christopher B-for creating such an insightful class presentation on his Grandmothers. Your talk was well researched and interesting to watch. Excellent work Chris!


Jed.N- For always being engaged and participating in all activities with a growth mindset.

Jemma- For showing determination and resilience while writing her narrative. 


Johnnie O - for your incredible Cinquain poems. You gave me goosebumps! 

Lexi J - for your outstanding work ethic and the pride you take in all your work.


Seb L for his wonderful maths work. I love the strategies you use.

Celeste H for always being a happy member of the class. I love the way you laugh at some of the silly things that happen.


Mikayla S - for displaying persistence with multiplication skills and consistently trying your personal best. Keep up the terrific work!

Zac L - for persisting with your writing task and working consistently to finish it. So great to see Zac - Keep it up!


Lara S- for her insightful comments and ideas during our Literature Circle. It's so nice to hear your ideas.

Milla S- for always working to the best of your ability.


Lachlan W for having a positive attitude towards learning the lattice method for solving multiplication sums and for experimenting with this new method in your workings. Well done!

Lillyana D for your persistence in writing and publishing your information report! Well done! 


Gemma D - for demonstrating great persistence in maths working your way through all the challenges!

Claire H - for working to her personal best in all areas of school life, each and every single day!


Liam G - For his support and care for his classmates. Great things can happen when our team feels supported - Well done!

Owen T - For consistently being a kind and caring team member. Your attitude to your learning and your team is to be commended! 


Siara H - for thinking critically about her learning and setting challenging learning goals to achieve.

Ashton B - for working to his personal best in all areas of his learning.


Rory T- for taking the initiative himself to work independently on his reading goal.

Jason G- for always showing such kindness and acceptance to everyone. 


Dylan K - For his ever-increasing self-belief, enthusiasm and growth mindset towards his learning.

Sadie G - For her high level of accountability, effort and persistence in growing and learning.


Cade H - For his inspiring persistence in taking charge of his learning, his resilience and for relentlessly supporting his team to succeed.

Charli J - For pushing herself to take on challenges, taking control of her learning and consistently being a kind and caring team member.

Performing Arts

Lazer S 5C- For his amazing hip-hop dancing. 

Jacob Y 3RL- For great work when learning about rhythm values. 

PELazer S 5C - For a growth mindset approach to skipping the alphabet with a long rope! Great Job!