Student Learning around KPS 


Foundation students had some special visitors this week.

They learned how to crawl down low, and saw how quickly the Fireman got dressed.

Thank you to the Ringwood MFB who spent time with us and will be returning next week with their truck!


FG has some very dedicated writers - we also can’t believe how far they’ve come.

Please take the time to look at the pictures and stories - they are all superstars!






Grade 3

Sam and Liam took Symmetry to the next level and created a 3D snowflake! We have been very busy in Grade 3, planning, drafting, and publishing our Narratives.


During our Science unit in Grade 3, we have been learning all about the Earth, Moon and Sun. Lexi, Willow, and Helaina shared their projects to other members of the class.



Foundation students have been learning how to write their Japanese names.

Serena FD, Freddy FG were very proud of making a beautiful Japanese name with playdoh. 

Tomodachi Project with our Japanese sister school Lilyvale P.S.


The Grade 6 team has been enjoying the online meetings. Their theme was money last week. Kalinda's team talked about Australian money and learned many tricks hidden on Japanese notes.