Miss Zach, Miss Papa, Mrs Candy, Mrs Herres and Mrs Beamish.
Emma Zach-1A
Emma Zach-1A
Adrianna Papa-1B
Adrianna Papa-1B
Tiffany Candy-1C
Tiffany Candy-1C
Angela Herres-1D
Angela Herres-1D
Wendy Beamish-1E
Wendy Beamish-1E
Check out what’s happening in Year 1
Upcoming Learning
During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in following areas:
Investigating vocabulary and using our letter knowledge to decode unfamiliar words.
Showing our understanding of fairy tales by sequencing, answering comprehension questions and describing character traits.
We are learning about procedural texts.
We are following a procedure step by step, then writing our own procedural texts.
We are using a science experiment as a writing seed and extending on our ideas.
We are focusing on subtraction.
We are exploring different subtraction strategies- including using 10’s frames, number lines, counting back and counting on.
We are continuing our unit on chemical science and experimenting with we can change the states of materials. We are engaging in a range of experiments!
We are continuing our unit on community. We have a visit from a fire engine and are designing our own communities.
Social & emotional learning
We are focusing on identifying the size of the problem and responding appropriately.
News and Reminders
-Friday the 24th is the final day of term 2! School finished at 2:30pm on this day.
-Please pack spare clothes, particularly socks to prepare for the wet weather.
-Please make sure any jumpers, beanies or winter clothing items are clearly named.