Prep Update

Miss Hope, Mrs Dorman, Ms Rhimes, Mrs Bartlett, Mrs Lloyd

Upcoming Learning

Alexandra HOPE - Prep A
Rachell DORMAN - Prep B
Sarah RHIMES - Prep C
Naomi BARTLETT - Prep D
Natasha LLOYD - Prep E
Alexandra HOPE - Prep A
Rachell DORMAN - Prep B
Sarah RHIMES - Prep C
Naomi BARTLETT - Prep D
Natasha LLOYD - Prep E

During the next week students will be undertaking learning in following areas:

Reading-We are learning retell Jack and the Beanstalk

-Each week we start with Weekend writing

Jack and the Beanstalk- what do you find at the top of the beanstalk

Maths-Learning to compare 2D and 3D shapes

-What is it made of?

Creating a boat.


Change, through the lens of Fairytales

-Jack and the Beanstalk

Phonics/Spelling-Recapping all of our sounds and letter names

News and Reminders

-Week 9- Last day of term 24th June.

-We will be asking for readers to come to school every day. Your child will bring home one book each night, and then 2 on Friday for the weekend. Teachers will check readers and words once a week, so please continue to practice these daily.

-Please continue to practice all oxford words.

Coming up in term 3:

Week 3- 27th July is 100 days of Prep! We will be dressing up as old people to represent 100 days. More information to follow. 

Celebration of Learning

Prep D- Little Red Riding Hood masks
Prep D- Little Red Riding Hood masks
Prep A- Ggingerbread men
Prep A- Ggingerbread men
Prep E construction
Prep E construction
Prep B maths
Prep B maths
Prep C
Prep C