Religious Education & Pastoral Care 

Religious Education and Pastoral Care Coordinator


Deep peace of the running wave to you.

Deep peace of the flowing air to you.

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.

Deep peace of the shining stars to you.

Deep peace of the gentle night to you.Moon and stars pour their healing light on you.

Deep peace of Christ,of Christ the light of the world to you.

Deep peace of Christ to you.

Pentecost Sunday 31st May

 The Feast of Pentecost  was on the 31st May. It's meaning and symbolism are two-fold:   the Holy Spirit came down upon the people and bestowed upon them the 7 gifts to which they would share with others;  and it was also the birth of the Christian Church.

Trinity Sunday 7th June

This is the Sunday after Pentecost where we honour the Holy Trinity - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Trinity is often described as a holy mystery beyond complete human understanding - the essence of God expressing himself in three persons.







Religion around Our School


Kindergarten explained to me all the objects that are on their prayer space. They said  "that there is a cross, Bible, candle and special material".



 Stage 2

In  Stage 2  the children have been learning about Pentecost. They created these Pentecost posters during Creative Arts.

Stage 3


Core Principles and Values

Love of God and Neighbors

All people are called to love God and love of  neighbour for Christians that is expressed in the words of Jesus. "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all you soul and mind. You must love your neighbours as yourself".

Our love of God is expressed through prayer and worship. Man has a noble task: That of prayer and love.... Prayer is nothing else then  a union  with God. 

This principle is the very heart of what we do in Catholic schools. It is what motivates and drives good Catholic action and understanding of the world.