Parent News

Meeting Student Needs in Remote Teaching
As you are well aware, over the past three months the teachers and staff at Suzanne Cory
have been rising to the challenge of effective teaching and learning practice through digital means. During this time, the teachers of SCHS worked together to share their ideas
and practices and collected feedback from their students to direct learning in the
digital space. The Learning Specialist Team (responsible for improving students
outcomes through improving teacher practice and students’ learning experiences)
could not be prouder of the variety of strategies and platforms teachers used to
engage the students of SCHS and how well the students adapted and openly
provided feedback around what worked for them and what didn’t. Teaching and
learning is an important relationship between teachers, students and support staff; all
members of our school community have done an outstanding job through a difficult and
challenging experience. It has been fantastic to hear of students assisting staff in new
platforms and helping to build the technological skills of the whole class. Watching our
school come together has been one of the silver linings from this experience. After all, the
best part of learning, is sharing what you know.
Moving forward, it will be a focus of our team and the teaching staff, to increase the use of
digital technology and integrating different platforms into teaching and learning here
at SCHS; increasing student engagement and outcomes. It will also be our focus to
foster the learning relationships and build best practice for both staff and students.
Laura Ruddick, Nick Kemp and Kimberley Pye
(Learning Specialists)
ATAR Release and VTAC Application Dates
ATAR and Unit 3/4 Study Scores will be released 30 December. This is a fortnight later than previous years, due to the delay in exams caused by COVID-19.
Year 12 students will submit their course applications in Term 3, but can adjust their course preferences after submission. SCHS will support students to submit their Victorian Tertiary Admission Centre (VTAC) applications and Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) application in Term 3, finalise their course options at the end of the year, and respond to course offers at the beginning of 2021. Students can list up to eight courses in their application, so should include a range of courses and universities.
VTAC Course Preferences Video:
VTAC Application Dates:
Applications open for courses, SEAS, and scholarships | Monday 3 August 2020 |
Timely course applications close | Wednesday 30 September 2020 |
SEAS and Scholarships applications close | Friday 9 October 2020 |
VCE results and ATAR released to students | Wednesday 30 December 2020 |
Change of preference deadline for January offers | 12pm, Monday 4 January 2021 |
January offers released | Thursday 14 January 2021 |
Change of preference deadline for February round 1 | 12pm, Thursday 21 January 2021 |
February round 1 offers released | Monday 1 February 2021 |
Brendan Taig - Careers Practitioner
Western Chances Scholarship
Western Chances provides financial support students across Melbourne’s West. Many SCHS students receive this scholarship to support them to purchase educational resources, such as textbooks, stationary, laptops, and Myki cards. Students can continue to receive scholarship support throughout their university studies.
To be eligible for scholarship, students must:
- Demonstrate a talent (academic success, leadership, community involvement, visual arts or performance)
- Have evidence of financial disadvantage (e.g. Health Care Card)
- Maintain good attendance and behaviour at school
- Have motivation for further study
Applications for the scholarship will open in July. Further details of the application will be published on the Compass Bulletin at the beginning of Term 3.
Brendan Taig – Careers Practitioner