Year 8 Pastoral Guardian

The enforced COVID-19 isolation period of Learning from Home has called upon students to adapt and grow.  As parents, you have probably witnessed this growth in many ways.  As the Pastoral Guardian of Year 8, and teacher of numerous classes, I have seen a real growth in their self-awareness, particularly in knowing and understanding themselves more, both as students and as young women.


This week, I asked numerous students to share their insights regarding what they have gained during the learning from home time.  Not surprisingly, some students embraced and enjoyed this way of learning; others have struggled.  For many, they realised that school is far more than a place where they work and complete assessment; school is also about connections with friends, teachers, wide-ranging activities, spirit, and story, all of which adds a richness to lives.


Below, you will see the many responses provided by students, when they were asked:

What did you gain, or learn about yourself as a student?

What did you gain, or how have you grown as a young woman during this time?


The silver lining of COVID-19 has been that our students have been given an opportunity to grow and to see their education, family, and life experiences through a new lens.  A resounding message of appreciation for family, closer parent/child/sibling bonds due to more relaxed time together (and parents learning and working in the same environment), children having time to try new experiences, and being able to contribute to the family was shared.  It would be wonderful if these sentiments and experiences remain within them and continue to shape them.  Thank you for supporting your daughter during this extraordinary and momentous time.   With the imminent return to school, students are being called upon to adapt (again).  Changes to their daily structures (no more sleep-ins), ways of working, reconnecting to peers after extended time alone, and leaving the comfort and security of home (both physical and emotional) may prompt a wave of emotional responses.  Please assure your daughter that we are here to support her upon her return to school.


For me, I am very much looking forward to welcoming your daughters back to school.  School is not the same without them!

Jeni Barlow