General News 

Student Health

If your children are unwell, please keep them at home. We have had to call quite a few parents today, to collect children with sore throats and sore tummys.  Please heed the current medical advice and keep them at home until they are well. 


Dental Health NSW

Permission notes were sent home last week for the Dental Health NSW Van visit. Please carefully fill in all sections of the Permission form and return it to school by the end of this week. There is no out of pocket cost to you for this service.



All students need to be in full winter uniform now. This includes wearing a tie every day except sports day.  Please note that tracksuit pants are not acceptable for boys.  They must wear grey school trousers. 


Morning Drop Off

Parents are reminded to drop children off at the front gate after 8:30am.    


Award Recipients - Week 7

Early Stage 1/Stage 1

Huzayl Luqman - for an excellent effort with listening and writing during guided groups.

Jeremy West - for joining our St Joseph’s School Community.  Welcome!

Preston West - Welcome to St Joseph’s and the Year 1/2 class. 

Troy Balint -  for writing a well structured informative text in  Big Write this week.

Student Leaders' Award:  Lyla Cook

Lyla Cook, Preston West, Troy Balint, Huzayl Luqman, Jeremy West
Lyla Cook, Preston West, Troy Balint, Huzayl Luqman, Jeremy West

Stage 2

Zeb Allan - for approaching Big Write with a positive attitude and for trying his hardest.

Clancy Flett - for having some amazing sentences in his Big Write that helped the reader to visualise what was happening.

Zeb Allan and Clancy Flett
Zeb Allan and Clancy Flett

Stage 3

Monique Hutton - for sustained effort in our Addition and Subtraction Unit this week. 

Nate Aspinall - for beautiful book work and handwriting in all subjects this week! 

Isaiah Keys - for an improvement in his attitude towards his learning this term. Great job!

Maddox Davis - for fantastic effort in including the ‘Must Haves’ in his writing this week.

Monique Hutton, Maddox Davis, Nate Aspinall, Isaiah Keys
Monique Hutton, Maddox Davis, Nate Aspinall, Isaiah Keys


Classroom Award:  Yr 5/6